Content from all Earth science data sites are migrating into this site from now until end of 2026. Not all NASA Earth science data will appear across the site until then. Thank you for your patience as we make this transition.
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Atmospheric/Ocean Indicators Learning Resources
Webinars, tutorials, data recipes and more to help you work with Atmospheric/Ocean Indicators.
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This is the first in a four-part webinar series to introduce NASA's Ice, Cloud, and land Elevation-2 (ICESat-2) platform and the platform's data, tools, and applications.
Data from Polar Radiant Energy in the Far-InfraRed Experiment (PREFIRE), hosted by the Atmospheric Science Data Center (ASDC), will help to bridge a critical knowledge gap in climate science.
Participants will learn how to discover and access physical oceanography data hosted in the Earthdata Cloud and apply AWS cloud computing to analyze global sea level rise.
Join us to learn how to use NASA's Physical Oceanography Distributed Active Archive Center (PO.DAAC) State Of The Ocean (SOTO) toolkit to visualize and compare physical oceanography data!
Join us to learn more about the migration of NASA PO.DAAC physical oceanography data to the Earthdata Cloud hosted in the Amazon Cloud (AWS). During this webinar, we will discuss which data will be hosted in the cloud, show you options for how to migrate your ocean data discovery and access process to the cloud, and also provide useful resources to support you in navigating this migration.
NASA Models Reveal Climate-Induced and Management Impacts on the Mississippi River Delta
Join us to learn about NASA's archive for physical oceanography data in the context of Open Science. We'll provide you with an introduction to remote sensing and in situ products at PO.DAAC and show you how to work with these data in the cloud.
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