NASA's Physical Oceanography Distributed Active Archive Center (PO.DAAC) released the first three Compact Ocean Wind Vector Radiometer (COWVR) and Temporal Experiment for Storms and Tropical Systems (TEMPEST) datasets produced by NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL).
Included in this release are:
- COWVR STP-H8 Surface Wind Vector and Column-Integrated Atmospheric Water Measurements Version 10.0 dataset doi:10.5067/COWVR_STPH8_L2_EDR_V10.0
- COWVR STP-H8 Antenna and Microwave Brightness Temperatures Version 10.0 dataset doi:10.5067/COWVR_STPH8_L1_TSDR_V10.0
- TEMPEST STP-H8 Antenna and Microwave Brightness Temperatures Version 10.0 dataset doi:10.5067/TEMPEST_STPH8_L1_TSDR_V10.0
The datasets include Level 1 temperature sensor data records (TSDRs) from both instruments, and Level 2 wind vector, column liquid water, and column precipitable water vapor from COWVR (EDR). Data records span January 2022 to the present, with forward streaming planned at least until August of 2025. Both Level 1 and Level 2 data provide data over the satellite tracks/swaths in HDF5 format.
Version 10.0 is the first unrestricted public release of these data, and its name is consistent with the internal version numbering of the project team prior to release.
Learn more about the COWVR and TEMPEST V10 datasets.