The Near Real Time (NRT) VIIRS/JPSS2 Moderate Resolution Terrain Corrected Geolocation 6-Min L1 Swath, short-name VJ203MOD_NRT) is the Joint Polar-orbiting Satellite System-2 (JPSS-2/NOAA-21) platform-based NASA VIIRS L1 terrain-corrected geolocation product, and contains the derived line-of-sight (LOS) vectors for each of the 750-m moderate-resolution, or M-bands. The geolocation algorithm uses a number of inputs that include an Earth ellipsoid, geoid, and a digital terrain model along with the SNPP platform's ephemeris and attitude data, and knowledge of the VIIRS sensor and satellite geometry. It produces geodetic coordinates (latitude and longitude), and related parameters for each VIIRS L1 pixel. The VJ203MOD product includes geodetic latitude, longitude, surface height above the geoid, solar zenith and azimuth angles, sensor zenith and azimuth angles, land/water mask, and quality flag for every pixel location. VJ203MOD provides a fundamental input to derive a number of VIIRS M-band higher-level products. The J2 VIIRS geolocation underwent an on-orbit validation. Geolocation errors of about 350 m in the along-scan direction and about 165 m in the along-track direction were corrected for the image-resolution bands and moderate-resolution bands. The Day-Night band (DNB) geolocation error of about 2000 m was corrected. Further, the geolocation biases in the scan profile were also corrected. All these corrections bring the geolocation uncertainties for the J2 L1 products to within 75 m (1-sigma) in both the along-scan and along-track directions.
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VCST Team. 2024. VIIRS/JPSS1 Moderate Resolution Terrain Corrected Geolocation 6-Min L1 Swath 750m NRT. MODAPS at NASA/GSFC: LANCEMODIS.