The purpose of an Open Science and Data Management Plan (OSDMP) is to address the management of Earth science data from the time of their collection/observation to their entry into permanent archives. NASA Science Mission Directorate (SMD)-funded scientific activities that intend to generate data are required to include an OSDMP in their proposal (e.g. Section 1 of the ROSES Earth Science Division OSDMP). NASA defines data as scientific or technically relevant information that can be stored digitally and accessed electronically. This includes any scientifically useful data associated with an award. In particular, the information needed to validate the scientific conclusions of peer-reviewed publications must be shared at the time of publication. This does not include laboratory notebooks, preliminary analyses, intermediate data products, drafts of scientific papers, plans for future research, peer review reports, communications with colleagues, or physical objects, such as laboratory specimens. The OSDMP will describe how data will be managed, preserved, and released. The SMD Open Science Policy, outlined in SMD Policy SPD-41a, adds new requirements to OSDMPs.
This document provides guidance for researchers on how to prepare an OSDMP for Earth science proposals and to align the OSDMP with open-source science SMD policy. See the Open Science and Data Management Plan Guidance for data producers and NASA Distributed Active Archive Centers (DAACs). Here is the Earth Science-specific OSDMP template (DOC).
How to Create an Open Science and Data Management Plan
Anatomy of an Open Science and Data Management Plan
At a minimum, an OSDMP in a proposal for SMD-funded research should include:
- Descriptions of the data expected to be produced
- A data repository (or repositories) that will be used to archive the data and metadata produced
- Timeline for the public sharing of data and metadata produced
- A description of the roles and responsibilities of project personnel with respect to the implementation of the OSDMP
- Exemptions that may apply to the data produced
Description of the Data
Data description: Provide descriptions of the data expected to be produced from the proposed activities, including types of data to be produced, the machine-readable format of the data, data processing level, data file format, spatial and temporal extent of the data, and any applicable standards for the data or associated metadata. This can be done in tabular form.