ESDS Program

Data Processing Levels


The purpose of this document is to make more widely available the ESDIS Configuration Management Library document Earth Observation System Data and Information System (EOSDIS) Terminology Specification (Davies, 2020) and to establish the processing level definitions in that document as the baseline for future updates.


The Earth Observation System Data and Information System (EOSDIS) Terminology Specification processing level definitions are an approved naming convention for use in NASA Earth Science Data Systems.

ESCO RFC ESDS-RFC-050 EOSDIS Processing Levels
Suggested Citation Downs, R.R and Olding, S.W, (2024). EOSDIS Processing Levels RFC. NASA Earth Science Data and Information System Standards Coordination Office.
Resources 423-SPEC-002, Revision A. Earth Observation System Data and Information System (EOSDIS) Terminology Specification*.

*Copy provided for convenience. The official ICD is managed in the Configuration Management EOSDIS Tool (COMET) system, which requires a NASA login to access.

NASA Earth Science Community Recommendations for Use


The processing level definitions referenced in this document are widely recognized throughout the NASA Earth science community and beyond. The processing levels follow the traditional processing lifecycle for remote sensing data products and provide a useful mechanism for cataloging and searching such data products. The hierarchy of processing levels describes the degree of processing applied to the data product and is also helpful in determining the appropriate use of the data product.


The EOSDIS Processing Levels are not always suitable for non-remote sensing data products which follow different processing lifecycles to the remote sensing data products. Other organizations have adopted similar, but not identical, processing level definitions for their Earth observation data products but differences may lead to confusion for some data users. New variations of the processing levels are emerging to support different mission requirements but their definitions are being coordinated to ensure common definitions across missions.


The EOSDIS Processing Levels are applicable to most remote sensing data products following a traditional processing lifecycle.


The EOSDIS Processing Levels may not be directly applicable to non-remote sensing data products.

Last Updated