Principal Investigator (PI): Yehuda Bock, University of California San Diego

This project, Modeling and On-the-fly Solutions in Solid Earth Sciences (MOSES), is a collaboration of researchers representing three ongoing NASA-sponsored projects. Together, we will develop a unified on-the-fly, Web Services-based observation/analysis/modeling environment for geophysical modeling and natural hazards research, a plug-in service for early warning systems and transfer of rapid information to civilian decision makers and the media, and an educational tool. By doing so, this project will support the NASA objectives to conduct a research and technology program to advance Earth observations from space, improve scientific understanding, and demonstrate new technologies for future operational systems. Formal linkage of the projects will also serve to improve NASA's capability to communicate its research and development accomplishments to the public in a more timely and comprehensive manner. The three NASA-sponsored projects are related to the Earth Surface and Interiors focus area and each inclues the component blocks of the proposed unified system.

The projects are:

  1. SCIGN-REASoN (2004-2008)—Combination, validation, archive and delivery of high-level data products and data mining capabilities from space geodetic measurements, specifically continuous GPS (CGPS) observations.
  2. QuakeSim (2002-2006)—Development of linked Web Service environments for supporting high performance models of crustal deformation from a variety of geophysical sensors, including GPS and seismic instruments.
  3. SENH-Applications GPS/Seismic Integration (2003-2005)—Development of a prototype real-time GPS/seismic displacement meter, for use by local agencies responsible for seismic hazard mitigation and monitoring of critical infrastructure.

The primary research objective of this proposal is in the area of "Data and Information Systems Support" for the Earth Surface and Interiors Science Focus Area (ESI). This project will align and expand the IT and Web Services developments of SCIGN-REASoN and QuakeSIM to streamline the access to data products for modelers, and leverage the real-time components of the SENH applications project to create an on-the-fly interactive research environment that links real-time data streams and products from GPS and seismic sensors in an environment where data products can be rapidly accessed, comprehended, and manipulated. The system will be designed using modern IT tools and principles in order to be extensible to any geographic location, scale, natural hazard, and combination of geophysical sensor and related data.

We will accomplish this by building upon open Geographic Information System standards, particularly those of the Open Geospatial Consortium. We will use the principles of Web Service-based Service Oriented Architectures to provide scalability and extensibility to new services and capabilities.

In addition, MOSES will also contribute to the "Support for Evolution to Science Measurement Processing Systems" area through enabling greater interoperability and data flow between the GPS and deformation data products developed and delivered to Solid Earth Science users. Programming interfaces will be developed for web-enabled services for handling data access, processing and exchange between products generated under the SCIGN-REASoN and SENH projects and data processing and simulation tools developed under the QuakeSIM project.


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