Acronym/Symbol | Definition | More Information |
3ROX | Three Rivers Optical Exchange | |
3S | Small Satellite System, Suite de Systeme SPOT, SPOT Successor System | |
A | Back to top | |
AAC | ABoVE Airborne Campaign Associate Analysis Center |
AAOE | Airborne Antarctic Ozone Experiment | |
aaS | as a Service | |
AATSR | Advanced Along-Track Scanning Radiometer | |
ABBA | Arctic Boreal Burned Area | |
ABI | Advanced Baseline Imager | |
ABoVE | Arctic Boreal Vulnerability Experiment | |
ABRACOS | Anglo-Brazilian Amazonian Climate Observation Study | |
AC | Analysis Center | |
ACC | IGS Analysis Center Coordinator | |
ACCESS | Advancing Collaborative Connections for Earth System Science program | |
ACEP | ABoVE Concise Experiment Plan | |
ACEPOL | Aerosol Characterization from Polarimeter and LIDAR | |
ACES | Anthropogenic Carbon Emissions System | |
ACL | Access Control List | |
ACR | Active Cavity Radiometer | |
ACRIM | Active Cavity Radiometer Irradiance Monitor | |
ACRIMSAT | Active Cavity Radiometer Irradiance Monitor Satellite | |
ACRS/TLAS | Automated Conflict Resolution System/TDRSS Look Angle System | |
ACSI | American Customer Satisfaction Index | *commonly referred to as ACSI |
ACT-America | Atmospheric Carbon and Transport–America | |
ACTIVATE | Aerosol Cloud Meteorology Interactions over the Western Atlantic Experiment | |
ACTS | Advanced Communication Technology Satellite | |
ADC | Affiliated Data Center | |
ADCP | Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler | |
ADEOS | Advanced Earth Observing Satellite | |
ADM | Atmospherics Dynamics Mission | |
ADMG | Airborne Data Management Group | |
ADN | ASTER Data Network | |
ADRG | ARC-Digitized Raster Graphics | |
ADS40 | Airborne Digital Sensor 40 | |
ADSL | Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line | |
ADURD | Archiving, Distribution and User Services Requirements Document | |
AEB | Agencia Espacial Brasileira | |
AEM-2 | Application Explorer Mission-2 | |
AERI | Atmospheric Emitted Radiance Interferometer | |
AERONET | Aerosol Robotic Network | |
AES | Atmospheric Environmental Service | |
AESICS | ASTER Emergency Scheduling Interface and Control System | |
AFGL | Air Force Geophysics Laboratory | |
AfriSAR | Africa SAR | |
AGAGE | Advanced Global Atmospheric Gases Experiment | |
AGB | Aboveground Biomass | |
AGI | Advanced Global Imager | |
AGS | Alaska Ground Station | |
AGU | American Geophysical Union | *commonly referred to as AGU |
AHAP | Alaska High-Altitude aerial Photography | |
AIAA | American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics | |
AICC | Alaskan Interagency Coordination Center | |
AIMs | Africover Interpretation and Mapping System | |
AIMS | Airborne Integrated Mapping System | |
AIR | Airborne Imaging Radar | |
AIRGrav | Airborne Gravity | |
AirMISR | Airborne Multi-Angle Imaging Spectroradiometer | |
AirMOSS | Airborne Microwave Observatory of Subcanopy and Subsurface | |
AirMSPI | Airborne Multi-angle Spectro Polarimetric Imager | |
AIRS | Atmospheric Infrared Sounder | |
AIRSAR | Aircraft Synthetic Aperture Radar | |
AirSWOT | Airborne Surface Water and Ocean Topography | |
AIUB | Astronomical Institute of Berne (Switzerland) | |
ALEXIS | Array of Low Energy X-Ray Imaging Sensors | |
ALI | Advanced Land Imager | |
ALO | Astronomical Latitude Observatory (Poland) | |
ALOS | Advanced Land Observation Satellite | |
ALS | Aerial (Airborne) Laser Scanning | |
ALTM | Airborne Laser Terrain Mapper | |
ALTMS | Airborne LIDAR Topographic Mapping System | |
AM | Automated Mapping | |
AM/FM | Automated Mapping/Facilities Management | |
AMAPS | Aerosol Measurement and Processing System | |
AMI | Active Microwave Imager Amazon Machine Image |
AMI SAR | Active Microwave Imager Synthetic Aperture Radar | |
AMPR | Advanced Microwave Precipitation Radiometer | |
AMPS | Automatic Mapping and Planning System | |
AMR | Altimetry Microwave Radiometer | |
AMR-C | Advanced Microwave Radiometer-C | |
AMRIR | Advanced Medium Resolution Imaging Radiometer | |
AMS | American Meteorological Society | |
AMSAT | Amateur Satellite | |
AMSD | Adjusted Mapping Support Data | |
AMSR | Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer | |
AMSR-CU | Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer - Control Unit | |
AMSR-E | Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer for EOS | |
AMSR-SU | Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer - Sensor Unit | |
AMSU | Advanced Microwave Sounding Unit | |
AMSU-A1 | AMSU-A1 Module - Receives V and W Band Frequencies on Channels 3-15 | |
AMSU-A2 | AMSU-A2 Module - Receives K and Ka Band Frequencies on Channels 1 & 2 | |
AMSU-B | Advanced Microwave Sounding Unit-B (Earlier MHS, Became HSB) | |
AMTS | Advanced Moisture and Temperature Sounder | |
ANGe | Archive Next Generation | |
ANOVA | Analysis of Variance | |
AO | Announcement of Opportunity | |
AOIPS | Atmospheric and Oceanographic Image Processing System | |
AOL | Airborne Oceanographic LIDAR | |
AOLP | Angle Of Linear Polarization | |
AOPP | Atmospheric, Oceanic and Planetary Physics | |
AOS | ASTER Operation Segment | |
AOSP | Advanced On-Board Signal Processor | |
APAN | Asia Pacific Area Network | |
APAR | Absorbed Photosynthetic Active Radiation | |
APCM | Aerial Photography Contract Management System | |
API | Application programming interface | |
APID | Application Process Identifier | |
APOLLO | Apache Point Observatory Lunar Laser-ranging Operation | |
AppEEARS | Application for Extracting and Exploring Analysis Ready Samples | |
APR-3 | Airborne Precipitation Radar 3rd Generation | |
APSG | Asia-Pacific Space Geodynamics Program | |
APT | Automatic Picture Transmission | |
APU | Autonomous Parsivel Unit | |
AQT | Association Québecoise de Télédétection | |
AQUA | Automated Data Query and Access | *as opposed to the Aqua satellite |
ARA | Atmospheric Radiation Analysis | |
ARB | 48" LIDAR Aerosol Reserach Branch | |
ARC | Analysis and Review of CMR | |
ARC | Ames Research Center | DO NOT USE (per NASA Style Guide) |
ARCO | Augmented Representation of Cultural Objects | |
ARELAS | Arequipa, Peru Laser Station | |
ARESE | ARM (Atmospheric Radiation Measurement) Enhanced Shortwave Experiment | |
ARGOS | Argos Data Collection and Position Location System | |
ARIES | Astronomical Radio Interferometric Earth | |
ARIN | American Registry of Internet Names | |
ARISE | Arctic Radiation - IceBridge Sea and Ice Experiment | |
ARISTOTELES | Applications and Research Involving Space Technologies Observing The Earths' field from Low Earth orbiting Satellite | |
ARMSAT | Atmospheric Radiation Measurement Satellite | |
ARN | Amazon Resource Name | |
ARSET | Applied Remote Sensing Training | |
ARVI | Atmospherically Resistant Vegetation Index | |
AS | Access Subgroup (Part of CEOS-WGISS) | |
ASAR | Advanced Synthetic Aperture Radar | |
ASAS | Advanced Solid-State Array Spectrometer | |
ASC | Agence Spatiale Canadienne | |
ASCA | Advanced Satellite for Cosmology and Astrophysics | |
ASCAT | Advanced Scatterometer | |
ASCENDS | Active Sensing of CO2 Emissions over Nights, Days and Seasons | |
ASCIE | American Standard Code for Information Exchange | |
ASCII | American Standard Code for Information Interchange | |
ASDC | Atmospheric Science Data Center | |
ASF | Alaska Satellite Facility | |
ASF DAAC | Alaska Satellite Facility Distributed Active Archive Center | |
ASFUWG | ASF User Working Group | |
ASI | Agenzia Spaziale Italiana (Italian Space Agency) | |
ASIM | Atmosphere-Space Interactions Monitor | |
ASIRAS | Airborne synthetic aperture radar (SAR)/Interferometric Radar Altimeter System | |
ASIS | Aggregation of Services for Ice Sheets | |
ASL | Albuquerque Seismological Laboratory | |
ASM | Acquisition Strategy Meeting | |
ASO | Airborne Snow Observatory | |
ASP | Alaska SAR Processor | |
ASTER | Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer | |
ATBD | Algorithm Theoretical Basis Document | |
ATDRSS | Advanced Tracking and Data Relay Satellite System | |
ATES | Alcatel Espace Systems | |
ATLAS | Advanced Thermal and Land Applications Sensor | |
ATLID | Atmospheric LIDAR | |
ATM | Asynchronous Transfer Mode | |
ATMOS | Atmospheric Observations Satellite (Trace Molecules Observed by Spectroscopy) | |
ATMS | Advanced Technology Microwave Sounder | |
ATom | Atmospheric Tomography mission | |
ATOST | Atlantic - THORpex Observing System Test | |
ATR1 | Automatic Target Recognition Module (Leica) | |
ATS | Advanced Technology Satellite | |
ATSR | Along Track Scanning Radiometer (ESA ERS) | |
ATTREX | Airborne Tropical TRopopause EXperiment | |
AUSLAS | Graz Laser Station (Austria) | |
AUSLIG | Australian Surveying and Land Information Group | |
AVAPS | Advanced Vertical Atmospheric Profiling System | |
AVHRR | Advanced Very High-Resolution Radiometer | |
AVHRR GAC | AVHRR Global Coverage Area | |
AVHRR LAC | AVHRR Local Area Coverage | |
AVIRIS | Airborne Visible and Infrared Imaging Spectrometer | |
AVIRIS-CL | AVIRIS Classic | |
AVIRIS-NG | AVIRIS-Next Generation | |
AVIS | Airborne Vegetation Index Sensor | |
AVNIR | Advanced Visible and Near-Infrared Radiometer | |
AVOCET | Atmospheric Vertical Observations of CO2 in the Earth's Troposphere | |
A tool for monitoring and forecasting Available Water Resource in mountain environment
AWG | Analysis Working Group (ILRS) | |
AWiFS | Advanced Wide Field Sensor | |
AWOTS | Automated Wallops Orbital Tracking Station | |
AXCTD | Airborne eXpendable Conductivity Temperature Depth | |
B | Back to top | |
BARD | Bay Area Regional Deformation (USA) | |
bbFTS | BaBar File Transfer Protocol | |
BDRF | Bidirectional Reflectance Distribution Function | |
BE-C | Beacon Explorer C | |
BEDI | Big Earth Data Initiative | |
BFL | Bundesamt fur Landestopographie (Switzerland) | |
BGP | Boundary Gateway Protocol | |
BIGS | Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics | |
BIH | Bureau International de l’Heure | |
BIPM | Bureau International des Poids et Mesures | |
BKG | Bundesamt für Kartographie und Geodäsie (Germany) | |
BNSC | British National Space Centre (UK) | |
BOREAS | Boreal Ecosystem-Atmosphere Study | |
BRDF | Bi-directional Reflectance Distribution Function | |
BSDSS | Border Spatial Decision Support System | |
BUFR | Binary Universal Form for the Representation of meteorological data | |
BWC | Bandwidth Compression | |
BWE | Bandwidth Expansion | |
C | Back to top | |
C-MARE | Central Mediterranean Aerosol and Radiation Experiment | |
C-SPAD | Compensated Single Photoelectron Avalanche Detector | |
C-STAR | Conically Scanning Two-Look Airborne Radiometer | |
C5/6 | Collection 5/6 MODIS data | |
CaaS | Cloud as a Service | |
CADU | Channel Access Data Units | |
CAFS | CCD Actinic Flux Spectroradiometers | |
CAL WG | Calibration Working Group | |
CAL/VAL | Calibration/Validation | |
Cal/Val | Calibration/Validatation | |
CALIOP | Cloud-Aerosol LIDAR and with Orthogonal Polarization | |
CALIPSO | Cloud-Aerosol LIDAR and Infrared Pathfinder Satellite Observation | |
CalREN | California Research and Education Network | |
CALS | Cloud and Aerosol LIDAR System | |
CAMBOT | Continuous Airborne Mapping By Optical Translator | |
CAMEL | Combined ASTER and MODIS Emissivity database over Land | |
CAMEX | Convection and Moisture Experiment | |
CAMP2EX | Cloud, Aerosol and Monsoon Processes Philippines Experiment | |
CanSISE | Canadian Sea Ice and Snow Evolution | |
CAP | Combined Active Passive | |
CARVE | Carbon in Arctic Reservoirs Vulnerability Experiment | |
CASEI | Catalog of Archived Suborbital Earth science Investigations | |
CATS | Cloud-Aerosol Transport System | |
CB | Central Bureau | |
CBA | Consolidated Billing Account | |
CBC | Cypher Block Chaining | |
CBERS | China-Brazil Earth Resources Satellite Program | |
CBIS | Central Bureau Information System | |
CCAN | Coupled Carbon and Nitrogen | |
CCB | Configuration Control Board | |
CCD | Charged-Coupled Device | |
CCMODS | Collaborative Climate Model and Observational Data Services | |
CCRS | Canada Centre for Remote Sensing | |
CCSDS | Consultative Committee for Space Data Systems | |
CD/CI | Continuous Development/Continuous Integration | |
CDAS | Command and Data Acquisition Station | |
CDB | Command Data Block | |
CDDIS | Crustal Dynamics Data Information System | |
CDF | Common Data Format | |
CDI | Climate Data Initiative | |
CDIAC | Carbon Dioxide Information and Analysis Center (DOE/ORNL) | |
CDK | Cloud Development Kit | |
CDKTF | Terraform Cloud Development Kit | |
CDM | Continuous Diganosis and Mitigation | |
CDMS | Cryospheric Data Management System (NSIDC) | |
Content Delivery Network |
Colored Dissolved Organic Matter |
CDR | Critical Design Reviews | |
CDRC | CIESIN Data and Research Center | |
CEE | Centro de Estudios Espaciales (Chile) | |
CEES | Committee on Environment and Natural Resources Research | |
CEMSCS | Central Environmental Monitoring Satellite Computer System (NOAA) | |
CEMSDS | Central Environmental Satellite Data System | |
CEO | European Centre for Earth Observation | |
CEOS | Committee on Earth Observation Satellites | |
CEOSWGD/CS | CEOS Working Group on Data, Catalog Subgroup | |
CERES | Clouds and the Earth's Radiant Energy System | |
CERGA | Centre d'Etudes et de Recherches Geodynamiques et Astronomiques (France) | |
CERN | Center for European Laboratory for Particle Physics (Switzerland) | |
CERR | Critical Events Readiness Review | |
CESA | Conical Earth Sensor Assembly | |
CESBIO | Centre d’ Études Spatiales de la Biosphère (France) | |
CESDIS | Center for Excellence in Space Data and Information Sciences | |
Community Earth System Model 1 - Large Ensemble |
CESM2 | Community Earth System Model 2 | |
CfA | Center for Astrophysics (USA) | |
CFC | Chlorofluorocarbon | |
CFI | Claes Fornell International | |
CGF | Cloud-Gap Filled | |
CGS | Centro di Geodesia Spaziale (Italy) | |
CHAMP | Challenging Mini-Satellite Payload | |
CICD | Continuous Integration and Continuous Development | |
CICESE | Centro de Investigacion Cientifica y de Education Superior de Ensenada | |
CIDR | Classless Inter-Domain Routing | |
CIESIN | Consortium for International Earth Science Information Network | |
CIGNET | Cooperative International GPS Network | |
CIMS | Cleaning Industry Management Standard | |
CIMSS | Cooperative Institute for Meteorological Satellite Studies (Mexico) | |
CINTEX | CEOS Catalogue Interoperability Experiment | |
CIO | Conventional International Origin | |
CIPE | Central Institute for Physics of the Earth (Germany) | |
CIR | Color Infrared | |
CIRPAS | Center for Interdisciplinary Remotely Piloted Aircraft Studies | |
CIRS | Composition Infrared Spectrometer | |
CIS | Cryogenic Interferometer Spectrometer Commonwealth of Independent States |
CIT-CIMS | Caltech Chemical Ionization Mass Spectrometer | |
CIWG | Catalog Interoperability Working Group | |
CL | Command Language | |
CLAES | Cryogenic Limb Array Etalon Spectrometer | |
CLAMS | Cheasapeake Lighthouse and Aircraft Measurements for Satellites | |
CLASIC | Cloud and Land Surface Interaction Campaign | |
CLC | CORINE Land Cover | |
CLCW | Command Link Control Word | |
CLG | Central Laboratory for Geodesy (Bulgaria) | |
CLIMCAPS | Community Long-term Infrared Microwave Coupled Product System | |
CLS | Collecte, Localisation, Satellites (France) | |
CLSM | Catchment Land Surface Model | |
CM | Configuration Management | |
CMAQ | Community Multi-scale Air Quality | |
CMG | Climate modeling grid | |
CMIS | Conical Scanning Microwave Imager/Sounder | |
CMO | Configuration Management Office | |
CMP | Cloud Management Platform Common Midpoint |
CMR | Common Metadata Repository | |
CMS | Carbon Monitoring System | |
CNES | Centre National d’Études Spatiales (France) | |
CNR | Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (Italy) | |
CNRS | Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (France) | |
CO | Contracting Officer | |
COARE | Continental Ocean-Atmosphere Regional Experiment | |
CODE | Center for Orbit Determination in Europe | |
CODMAC | Committee on Data Management, Archiving, and Computing | |
COG | Cloud Optomized GeoTIFF | |
COMMGR | Communications Manager | |
CONAE | Comision National de Actividades Espaciales | |
CONUS | Conterminous United States | *commonly referred to as CONUS |
CORAL | Coral Reef Airborne Laboratory | |
CORE | Continuous Observation of the Rotation of the Earth | |
CORINE | Coordination of Information on Environment | |
CORS | Continuously Operating Reference Station | |
COS | Constellation Operations System | |
COSMIC | Constellation Observing System for Meteorology, Ionosphere, and Climate | |
CoSMIR | Conical Scanning Millimeter-wave Imaging Radiometer | |
COSMO/SkyMed | Constellation of Small satellites for the Mediterranean basin Observation | |
COSPAR | Committee on Space Research Congress for Space Research |
COTR | Contracting Officer’s Technical Representative | |
COTS | Commercial Off-The Shelf | |
CPEX | Convective Processes Experiment | |
CPEX-AW | Convective Processes Experiment - Aerosols and Winds | |
CPF | Consolidated Prediction Format | |
CPI | Cloud Particle Imager | |
CPL | Cloud Physics lidar | |
CPP | Cloud Photopolarimeter Combination Pilot Project |
CPR | Cloud Profiling Radar | |
CR | Correlation Radiometer | |
CReSIS | Center for Remote Sensing of Ice Sheets | |
CRI | Coastal Resolution Improvement | |
CrIMSS | Cross-track Infrared and Advanced Technology Microwave Sounders | |
CrIS | Cross-track Infrared Sounder | |
CRISTA/SPAS | Cryogenic Infrared Spectrometers and Telescopes for the Atmosphere/ Shuttle Pallet Satellite | |
CRL | Communications Research Laboratory (Japan) Compact Raman Lidar |
CRLHI | CRL, Hiraiso Solar Terrestrial Research Center (Ibaraki, Japan) | |
CRP | Command Relay Processor | |
CRREL | Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory | |
CRSS | Canadian Remote Sensing Society | |
CRYSYS | Cryospheric System | |
CSA | Canadian Space Agency | |
CSDGM | Content Standard for Digital Geospatial Metadata | |
CSESP | Citizen Science for Earth Systems Program | |
CSIR | Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (South Africa) | |
CSIRO | Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (Australia) | |
CSLC | California Space Launch Complex | |
CSMA/CD | Carrier-Sense Multiple-Access With Collision Detection | |
CSP | Cloud Service Provider | |
CSPO | Compute Service Program Office | |
CSR | Center for Space Research (University of Texas, Austin, TX) | |
CSRIFS | Combined Square Root Information Filter and Smoother | |
CSS | Cascading Style Sheet | |
CSTG | International Coordination of Space Techniques for Geodesy and Geodynamics | |
CSWR | Center for Severe Weather Research | |
CTD | Conductivity, Temperature, and Depth | |
CTGNSS | Cyclone Global Navigation Satellite System | |
CTIOV1 | Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory (La Serena, Chile) | |
CV | Cube Visualization | |
CVA | Change Vector Analysis | |
CVO | Climate Virtual Observatory | |
CWIC | CEOS WGISS Integrated Catalog | |
CYGNSS | Cyclone Global Navigation Satellite System | |
CZCS | Coastal Zone Color Scanner (Nimbus-7) | |
D | Back to top | |
D-PAF | Germany Processing and Analysis Facility | |
D3R | Dual-frequency Dual-polarized Doppler Radar | |
DAAC | Distributed Active Archive Center | |
DaaS | Desktop as a Service | |
DADS | Data Archive and Distribution System | |
DAF | Data Archive Facility | |
DAIS-1 | Digital Airborne Imagery System | |
DAN | Canadian Network | |
DAO | Dominion Astrophysical Observatory (Victoria, Canada) | |
DAR | Data Acquisition Request | |
DAS | Data Analysis Subsystem | |
DASF | Directional Area Scattering Function | |
DAWN | Doppler Aerosol WiNd | |
DBaaS | Database as a Service | |
DC | IGS Data Center | |
DCaaS | Datacenter as a Service | |
DCN | Document Change Notice | |
DCOTTS | Dynamics and Chemistry of the Summer Stratosphere | |
DCS | Data Collection System | |
DDL | Direct Downlink | |
DDM | Digital Displacement Model | |
DDMI | Delay-Doppler Mapping Instrument | |
DDN | Defense Data Network | |
DDNA | Divided Difference Noise Analysis | |
DEDS | DAAC to EDOS Data Set | |
DEL | Data Evaluation Laboratory | |
Delta-X |
Delta Exchange |
DEM | Digital Elevation Model | |
DEM-G | Digital Elevation Model - Graphic (coordinates) | |
DEM-P | Digital Elevation Model - Planar (coordinates) | |
DEMEX | Alternate name for the ASTER GDEM Explorer | |
DEOS | Delft Institute for Earth-Oriented Space Research (Netherlands) | |
DESIS | DLR Earth Sensing Imaging Spectrometer | |
DFCD | Data Format Control Document | |
DFN | Deutsches Forschungnetz (Germany) | |
DFRD | Data Format Requirements Document | |
DFTNIC | Data Flow Technology Network Information Center (NASA Goddard) | |
DGDF | Digital Geospatial Data Files | |
DGFI | Deutsches Geodaetisches ForschungsInstitut (Germany) | |
DGPS | Differential Global Positioning System | |
DHCP | Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol | |
DHF | Data Handling Facility | |
DIAL | Differential Absorption Lidar | |
DIF | Directory Interchange Format | |
difSAR | Differential SAR | |
DIGCAT | Digital Catalogue | |
DIGEST | Digital Geographic Information Exchange Standard | |
dis-ALEXI | ALEXI disaggregate algorithm | |
DISC | Data and Information Services Center | |
DISCOVER-AQ | Deriving Information on Surface conditions from Column and VERtically Resolved Observations Relevant to Air Quality | |
DIT | Development Integration and Testing | |
DLG | Digital Line Graph | |
DLR | Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt (German Aerospace Agency) | |
DLS | Dynamic Limb Sounder | |
DMO | DEM and Orthorectified | |
DMR | Detailed Mission Requirements | |
DMSP | Defense Meteorological Satellite Program | |
DMZ | Demilitarized Zone | |
DNB | Day/Night Band | |
DNS | Domain Name Service | |
DOI | Digital Object Identifier | *used as both DOI and doi |
DOLP | Degree Of Linear Polarization | |
DOMES | Directory of MERIT Sites | |
DOPLID | Doppler LIDAR | |
DOQ | Digital Orthophoto Quadrangle | |
DORIS | Doppler Orbitography and Radiopositioning Integrated By Satellite | |
DOSE | Dynamics of the Solid Earth | |
DOSLI | Department of Survey and Land Information (Wellington, New Zealand) | |
DOW | Doppler on Wheels | |
DOY | Day of year | |
DPR | Dual Precipitation Radar | |
DPSSL | Diode Pumped Solid State laser | |
DR | Decommissioning Review | |
DRAO | Dominion Radio Astrophysical Observatory | |
DREN | Defense Research and Engineering Network | |
DRG | Digital Raster Graphic | |
DRR | Disposal Readiness Review | |
DRSS | Data Relay Satellite System | |
DSCOVR | Deep Change Observation Mission | |
DSIR/PEL | Dept. of Scientific & Indus. Res./Physics & Engineering Lab (Lauder, New Zealand) | |
DSN | Deep Space Network | |
DSR | Downward Shortwave Radiation | |
DSS | Deep Space Station | |
DTED | Digital Terrain Elevation Data | |
DTM | Digital Terrain Model | |
DUE | DAAC Unique Extension | |
DUT | Delft University of Technology (The Netherlands) | |
DUT/OSG | Delft University of Technology/Observatory for Space Geodesy (The Netherlands) | |
DWL | Doppler Wind LIDAR | |
DWS | Doppler Wind Sensor | |
E | Back to top | |
E-ISAT | EOSDIS Internet Security Assessment Team | |
E-LIDAR | Experimental LIDAR | |
EARLSeL | European Association of Remote Sensing Laboratories | |
EARN | European Academic Research Network | |
EarthCARE | Earth Clouds Aerosols and Radiation Explorer | |
EAS | Electrical Accommodation Subsystem (Terra AM-1) | |
EASE-Grid | Equal-Area Scalable Earth Grid | |
EBAF | Energy Balanced and Filled | |
EBnet | EOSDIS Backbone network | |
EBS | EOS Broadcast Stations | |
EC | European Community | |
EC2 | Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud | |
ECA | Earth Central Angle | |
ECC | Earthdata Code Collaborative | |
ECCO | Estimating the Circulation and Climate of the Ocean | |
ECE | Earthdata Collaboration Environment | |
ECHO | EOS Clearing House | |
ECMP | ECS Configuration Management Plan | |
ECMWF | European Center for Medium-range Weather Forecasting | |
ECOM | EOSDIS Communications System | |
ECOSTRESS | ECOsystem Spaceborne Thermal Radiometer Experiment on Space Station | *capitalize first three letters of ecosystem |
ECRB | EOS Configuration Review Board | |
ECRS | ESDIS Consolidated Requirements System | |
ECS | EOSDIS Core System | |
ECSS | EOS Common Spacecraft Specification | |
ECSTVP | ECS Test and Verification Procedures | |
ECSVDB | ECS Verification Database | |
ECT | EOS Compatibility Test | |
ED | European Datum | |
ED50 | European Datum 1950 | |
EDC | Earth Resources Observation and Science (EROS) Data Center (USGS) EuroLAS Data Center (Munich, Germany) |
EDF | ECS Development Facility | |
EDG | EOS Data Gateway (V0 Client – Replacement of B0SOT) | |
EDGRS | Earth Data Gathering and Reporting System | |
EDHS | ECS Data Handling System | |
EDM | Electronic Distance Measuring | |
EDMA | ESDIS Data Model Analysis | |
EDOCS | EOS Data Operations and Communications System | |
EDOS | EOS Data and Operations System | |
EDP | Enterprise Data Platform | |
EDS | Expedited Data Sets | |
EDSC | Earthdata Search Client | |
EDU | EDOS Data Unit | |
EE | Earth Explorer | |
EECF | Earthnet ERS-1 Central Facility | |
EED | EOSDIS Evolution and Development | |
EEID | EOSDIS External Interface Document | |
EER | External Engineering Review | |
EETS | EOS Electronic Transfer System | |
EFS | Elastic File System | |
EGI | ESI Gateway Interface | |
EGIG | Expéditions Glaciologiques Internationales au Groenland | |
EGNOS | European Geostationary Navigation Overlay System | |
EGS | EOS Ground Station European Geophysical Society |
EGT | EOSDIS Ground Terminal | |
EGTS | EOS Ground Test System | |
EGU | European Geophysical Union | |
EIN | ECS Identification Number | |
EIONET | European Environment Information and Observation Network | |
EIS | Earth Information System | |
EIT | EOSDIS Integration Team | |
EITSO | ESDIS Information Technology Security Official | |
ELANOR | Earth Limb And Nadir Operational Retrieval | |
ELOKA | Exchange for Local Observations and Knowledge of the Arctic | |
ELV | Expendable Launch Vehicle | |
EMACC | EOS Multiple Applications Control Center | |
EMD | EOSDIS Core System Maintenance and Development | |
EME | ECS Maintenance Environment | |
EMIS | EDOS Management Information System | |
EMIT | Earth Surface Mineral Dust Source Investigation | |
EMLS | EOS Microwave Limb Sounder | |
EMOC | EOSDIS Mission Operations Center | |
EMOS | EOS Mission Operations System | |
EMOWG | EOS Mission Operations Working Group | |
EMR | Energy, Mines, and Resources (Canada) | |
EMS | ESDIS Metrics System | |
EMSn | EOS Mission Support network | |
ENI | Elastic Network Interface | |
ENMC | Enterprise Network Management Center | |
ENSO | El Nino Southern Oscillation | |
ENVISAT | Environmental Satellite | |
EO | Earth Observation | |
EO-1 | Earth Orbiter-1 | |
EO-ICWG | Earth Observations International Coordination Working Group | |
EOC | EOS Operations Center | |
EOCC | EOS Operations and Control Center | |
EOIS | Earth Observation Information System | |
EOP | Earth Orientation Parameter EDOS Operation Protocol |
EOPS | ERBE Operational Processing System | |
EORC | Earth Observation Research Center | |
EOS | Earth Observing System Electro Optical Systems (Australia) |
EOS AERO | EOS Aerosol Mission | |
EOS ALT | EOS Altimetry Mission | |
EOS AM | Earth Observing System AM or morning crossing (Terra satellite) | |
EOS CHEM | EOS Chemistry Mission | |
EOS COLOR | EOS Color Mission | |
EOS PM | Earth Observing System PM or afternoon crossing (Aqua satellite) | |
EOS-G | Earth Observing System - Goddard | |
EOSAT | Earth Observing Satellite Company | |
EOSC | EOS Operations Support Capability | |
EOSDIS | Earth Observation System Data and Information System | |
EOSFDS | EOS Flight Data System | |
EOSIWG | EOS Investigator Working Group | |
EOSP | Earth Observing Scanning Polarimeter | |
EOSPSO | EOS Project Science Office | |
EOSSALT | Earth Observing Solid-State Radar Altimeter | |
EOSSMS | EOS Space Measurement System | |
EOSSRP | EOS Scientific Research Program | |
EOT | EDOS Operational Timeline | |
EOWG | ESDIS Operations Working Group | |
EP | Earth Probe | |
EPDS | EMOS Production Data Set | |
EPG | ECS Process Improvement Group | |
EPGN | EOS Polar Ground Network | |
EPGS | EOS Polar Ground Station | |
EPGSS | Earth Observing Polar Ground Station Services | |
EPIC | Earth Polychromatic Imaging Camera | |
EPOP | European Polar-Orbiting Platform | |
EPR | EED2 Program Roadmap | |
EPS | EUMETSAT Polar System | |
EPTOMS | Earth Probe Total Ozone Mapping Spectrometer | |
EPUSP-PTR | Escola Politecnica da USP-PTR | |
ER-2 | Earth Resources NASA research aircraft | |
ERAST | Experimental Research Aircraft Sensor Technology Program | |
ERBE | Earth Radiation Budget Experiment | |
ERBS | Earth Radiation Budget Satellite | |
ERDAS | Earth Resources Data Analysis System | |
ERDET | ESDIS Requirements Database Engineering Team | |
ERG | EOSDIS Review Group | |
ERI | Earthquake Research Institute, University of Tokyo (Japan) | |
EROS | Earth Resources Observation System | |
ERP | Earth rotation parameter | |
ERPS | EOS Real-Time Processing System | |
ERS | Earth Resources Satellite | |
ERS-1 | Earth Remote-sensing Satellite-1 | |
ERSAR | Earth Resources Synthetic Aperture Radar | |
ERSDAC | Earth Remote Sensing Data Analysis Center | |
ERTS-1 | Earth Resources Technology Satellite –1 | |
ESA | European Space Agency | |
ESAC | Earth Science Advisory Committee | |
ESAD | Earth Science and Applications Data System | |
ESCO | ESDIS Standards Coordination Office | |
Earth Science Directorate |
ESDC | ESAC Science Data Center | |
ESDD | Earth Science Data Directory | |
ESDIS | Earth Science Data and Information System | |
ESDR | Earth Science Data Record | |
ESDS | Earth Science Data System | |
ESDSWG | Earth Science Data System Working Group | |
ESDT | Earth Science Data Type | |
ESE | Earth Sciences Enterprise | |
ESESES | Enhanced Solid Earth Science ESDR System | |
ESH | EDOS Service Header | |
ESI | EOSDIS Service Interface | |
ESIC | Earth Science Information Center | |
ESID | EOSDIS Systems Interface Document | |
ESIP | Earth Science Information Partners | |
ESMES | EOS System Management and Engineering Site | |
ESMO | Earth Science Mission Operations | |
ESMP | ECS Schedule Management Plan | |
ESMR | Electronically Scanning Microwave Radiometer | |
ESN | EOSDIS Science Network (ECS) (Replaced By Ebnet) | |
ESOC | EOSDIS System and Operations Concept (Document) European Space Operations Center |
ESOD | Earth Science On-Line Directory | |
ESOO | ESDIS Science Operations Office | |
ESPD | Earth Science Projects Division | |
ESQL | Earth Science Query Language | |
ESRIN | European Space Research Institute (ESA) | |
ESSAAC | Earth System Science and Applications Advisory Committee | |
ESSC | Earth System Sciences Committee | |
ESSE | EDOS System Support Environment | |
ESSI | Earth and Space Science Informatics | |
ESSn | EOS Science Support network | |
ESSO | Earth Science Support Office | |
ESSP | Earth Science Systems Program | |
ESST | Earth Science Search Tool | |
ESTB | EGNOS System Test Bed | |
ESTEC | European Space Research and Space Technology Centre (ESA) | |
ESTOL | EOS Standard Text and Operation Language | |
ET | Event Timer | |
ETM+ | Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus (Landsat 7) | |
ETRS89 | European Terrestrial Reference System 1989 | |
ETS | Engineering Test Satellite EOS Test System |
ETSF | EOSDIS Test System Facility | |
ETTS | ECS Trouble Ticketing System | |
EUI | Earthdata User Interface | |
EULA | End User License Agreement | |
EUMETSAT | European Organization for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites | |
EUMS | ESDIS User Model Scenario | |
EUREF | European Reference Frame | |
Euro-SPAN | European Space Physics Analysis Network | |
EUROLAS | European Laser Consortium | |
EVI | Enhanced Vegetation Index | |
EVR | ECS Verification Report | |
EWS | Early Warning System | |
ExCEL | EOSDIS Cloud Evolution | |
F | Back to top | |
FA | Formulation Agreement | |
FaaS | Function as a Service | |
FAD | Formulation Authorization Document | |
FAQ | Frequently Asked Questions | |
FastCDP | Fast Cloud Droplet Probe | |
FCCSET | Federal Coordinating Council for Science, Engineering and Technology | |
FCDAS | Fairbanks Command and Data Acquisition Station | |
FDF | Flight Dynamics Facility | |
FDS | Flight Dynamics System | |
FE | Fast Ethernet | |
FEGS | Fly's Eye GLM Simulator | |
FEMA | Federal Emergency Management Agency | |
FESG | Forschungseinrichting Satellitengeodäsie (Research Facility for Space Geodesy, Germany) | |
FEWS | Famine Early Warning System | |
FFI | Forsvarets ForskningsInstitutt (Norwegian Defense Research Establishment) | |
FGCC | Federal Geodetic Control Committee | |
FGDC | Federal Geographic Data Committee | |
FGI | Finnish Geodetic Institute | |
FGNP | Field Generated Normal Points | |
FIFE | First ISLSCP Field Experiment | |
FINLAS | Metsahovi, Finland Laser Station | |
FIRE | First ISCCP (International Satellite Cloud Climatology Project) Regional Experiment | |
FIREX-AQ | Fire Influence on Regional to Global Environments Experiment - Air Quality | |
FIRMS | Fire Information for Resource Management System | |
FLASHFlux | Fast Longwave And SHortwave Radiative Fluxes | |
FLEXPART | FLEXible PARTicle dispersion model | |
FLINN | Fiducial Laboratories for an International Natural Science Network | |
FLOR | Forecast-oriented Low Ocean Resolution | |
FM-1 | Flight Model 1 (NASA EOS MODIS) | |
FOIA | Freedom Of Information Act | |
FORTE | Fast On-Orbit Recording of Transient Events | |
FORTRAN | Formula Translation | |
FOS | Flight Operations Segment (ECS) | |
FOT | Flight Operations Team (ECS) | |
FOV | Field of View | |
FPAR | Fraction of photosynthetically active radiation | |
FPD | Flight Projects Directorate | |
FR | Full-Rate | |
FRD | Foundation for Research and Development (South Africa) | |
FRGP | Front Range GigaPOP | |
FRR | Flight Readiness Review | |
FSA | Federal Space Agency (Russia) | |
FST | Field Support Terminal | |
FTLRS | French Transportable Laser Ranging System | |
FTP | File Transfer Protocol | |
FY | Fiscal Year | |
G | Back to top | |
G-LiHT | Goddard's Lidar, Hyperspectral and Thermal Imager | |
G3OS | Global Terrestrial Observing System | |
GA | Geosciences Australia | |
GAC | Global Area Coverage (AVHRR) | |
GALILEO | Informal name of GNSS | |
GAOUA | Main Astronomical Observatory of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine | |
GAPE | Great Alaska and Pacific VLBI Experiment | |
GATES | Geostationary Advanced Technology Environmental System | |
GB | gigabyte (109) Governing Board |
GBAD | Ground Based Attitude Determination | |
gbps | Giga bits per second | |
GBSS | Geodetic base station software | |
GCC | Goddard Communications Control | |
GCDC | Global Change Data Center | |
GCDIS | Global Change Data and Information System | |
GCLDC | Global Change Landsat Data Collection | |
GCMD | Global Change Master Directory | |
GCOM | Global Change Observation Mission | |
GCOM-W | Global Change Observation Mission-Water | |
GCPEx | GPM Cold-season Precipitation Experiment | |
GCPs | Ground Control Points | |
GDAL | Geospatial Data Abstraction Library | |
GDAO | Goddard Data Assimilation Office | |
GDAS | NCEP 1-Degree Global Data Assimilation Model | |
GDC | IGS Global Data Center | |
GDEM | Global Digital Elevation Model | |
GDEx | Global Data Explorer | |
GDGPS | Global Differential GPS | |
GDR | Geophysical Data Record (JPL) | |
GDS | Ground Data System | |
GDS IMS | Ground Data System Information Management System | |
GDSN | Global Digital Seimograph Network | |
GDT | Global DIgital Topography | |
GEBA | Global Energy Budget Archive | |
GED | ASTER Global Emissivity Database | |
GEDI | Global Ecosystem Dynamics Investigation | |
GEMI | Global Environment Monitoring MSAVI | |
GENESIS | Global Environmental and Ecological Simulation of Interactive Systems | |
GEO | geostationary-Earth orbit - DO NOT USE (per NASA Style Guide) | |
GeoDAF | Geodetical Data Archive Facility (Italy) | |
GeodIS | Geodetic Information System (Germany) | |
GEOS | Geodetic and Earth Orbiting Satellite Goddard Earth Observing System |
GEOSAT | Naval Geodetic Satellite | |
GEOSS | Global Earth Observation System of Systems | |
GeoTIFF | Geographic Tagged Image File Format | *commonly referred to as GeoTIFF |
GeoVIS | Geographic Vector Interpretation System (Africover) | |
GERIS | Geophysical Environmental Research Imaging Spectrometer | |
GES | Goddard Earth Sciences | |
GES DISC | Goddard Earth Sciences Data and Information Services Center | |
GESSEP | Goddard Earth Space Science Education Project | |
GEWEX | Global Energy and Water cycle Experiment | |
GFCC | Global Forest Cover Change | |
GFDL | Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory | |
GFED | Global Fire Emissions Database | |
GFO | Geosat Follow-On | |
GFO-1 | Geosat Follow-On 1 | |
GFS | Global Forecast System | |
GFSAD | Global Food Security-support Analysis Data | |
GFZ | GeoForschungsZentrum (Potsdam, Germany) | |
GGAO | Goddard Geophysical and Astronomical Observatory (Greenbelt, MD) | |
GGI | GPS Geoscience Instrument | |
GGN | Global GPS Network | |
GGOS | Global Geodetic Observing System | |
GGP | Global Geodynamics Project (Gravity) | |
GHISA | Global Hyperspectral Imaging Spectroscopy of Agricultural-Crops and Vegetation | |
GHMA | Greek Hellenic Mapping Agency | |
GHRC DAAC | Global Hydrometeorology Resource Center DAAC | |
GHRSST | Group for High Resolution Sea Surface Temperature | |
GI | Geological Institute (Russia) | |
GIBS | Global Imagery Browse Services | |
GIG | GPS IERS and Geodynamics Experiment | |
GIMP | Greenland Ice Mapping Project | |
Giovanni | Geospatial Interactive Online Visualization and Analysis Infrastructure | |
GIPSY | GPS-Inferred Positioning System | |
GIS | Geographical Information System | *commonly used as GIS or gis |
GISIG | Geographical Information Systems International Group | |
GISS | Goddard Institute for Space Studies | |
GITC | GIBS Ingest in the Cloud | |
GLA | Goddard Laboratory for Atmospheres | |
GLAS | Geoscience Laser Altimeter System | |
GLAST | Gamma Ray Large-Area Space Telescope | |
GLCC | Global Land Cover Characterization | |
GLCN | Global Land Cover Network | |
GLCTS | Global Land Cover Test Sites | |
GLDAS | Global Land Data Assimilation System | |
GLI | Global Imager (Japan, ADEOS) | |
GLIDER | Globally Leveraged Intergrated Data Exploration for Research | |
GLIMS | Global Land Ice Measurements from Space | |
GLIS | Global Land Information System | |
GLISTIN | Glacier and Ice Surface Topography Interferometer | |
GLL | Galileo | |
GLM | Geostationary Lightning Mapper | |
GLOBE | Global Change Observing Mission | |
GLONASS | Global'naya Navigatsionnaya Sputnikovaya Sistema, Global Orbiting Navigation Satellite System (Russia) | |
GLOSS | Global Observation Surveillance System | |
GloVIS | Global Visualizer | |
GLRS | Geodynamics Laser Ranging System | |
GLRS-A | Geoscience Laser Ranging System Altimeter | |
GLRS-R | Geoscience Laser Ranging System Ranger | |
GLS | Global Land Survey | |
GLTN | Goddard Laser Tracking Network (USA) | |
GMAO | Global Modeling and Assimilation Office | |
GMIS | Global Man-made Impervious Surface | |
GML | Geography Markup Language | |
GMS | Geostationary Meteorological Satellite | |
GMSL | Global Mean Sea Level | |
GMST | Greenwich Mean Sidereal Time | |
GMT | Greenwich Mean Time | |
GMU | George Mason University | |
GN | Ground Network | |
GN&C | Guidance, Navigation and Control | |
GN&CS | Guidance, Navigation, and Control Subsystem (Terra AM-1) | |
GNAAC | IGS Global Network Associate Analysis Center | |
GNS | GEOnet Names Server | |
GNSS | Global Navigation Satellite System | |
GOCE | Gravity Field and Steady-State Ocean Circulation Explorer | |
GOES | Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite | |
GOFC | Global Observations of Forest Cover (IGOS) | |
GOLD | Global Observation of Land Cover Dynamics | |
GOME | Global Ozone Monitoring Experiment | |
GOMI | Global Ozone Monitoring Instrument | |
GOMOS | Global Ozone Monitoring by Occultation of Stars | |
GOMR | Global Ozone Monitoring Radiometer | |
GOMS | Geostationary Operational Meteorological Satellites | |
GOPM | Goddard Orbital Parameters Message | |
GORF | Goddard Optical Research Facility (Greenbelt, MD) | |
GOS | Geomagnetic Observing System | |
GOZCARDS | Global OZone Chemistry And Related trace gas Data records for the Stratosphere | |
GP-B | Gravity Probe B | |
GP-MCE | General Purpose Managed Cloud Environment | |
GPCP | Global Precipitation Climatology Project | |
GPD | Goddard Policy Directive (formerly called GMI) | |
GPG | Goddard Procedures and Guidelines | |
GPI | Global Precipitation Index | |
GPM | Global Precipitation Measurement | |
GPP | Gross Primary Productivity | |
GPR | Ground Penetrating Radar | |
GPROF | Goddard PRO Filing algorithm for instantaneous rain retrieval | |
GPS | Global Positioning System | *commonly used as GPS or gps |
GPSDIS | Global Positioning System Data Information System (JPL) | |
GPSDR | Global Positioning System Demonstration Receiver | |
GPSOS | Global Positioning Sensor Occultation System | |
GPSR | Global Positioning Satellite Receiver | |
GPSSS | Global Positioning System Sustaining Support | |
GPW | Gridded Population of the World | |
GRACE | Gravity Recovery And Climate Experiment | |
GRACE-FO | GRACE Follow-On | |
GRASS | Geographic Resource Analysis Support System | |
GRC | Glenn Research Center | DO NOT USE (per NASA Style Guide) |
GRDC | Global Runoff Data Center | |
GRE | Generic Routing Encapsulation | |
GREALM | Global Lake/Reservoir Surface Inland Water Height Global Reservoirs and Lakes Monitoring | |
GRELAS | Dionysos, Greece Laser Station | |
GrfN | Getting Ready for NISAR | |
GRGS | Groupe de Recherches de Geodesie Speciale (France) | |
GridFTP | Grid File Transfer Protocol | |
GrIMP | Greenland Ice Mapping Project | |
GRIP | Genesis and Rapid Intensification Processes experiment | |
GRRATS | Global River Radar Altimeter Time Series | |
GRS 80 | Geodetic Reference System of 1980 | |
GRT | Ground Receipt Time | |
GRUMP | Global Rural-Urban Mapping Project | |
GS | [EOS] Ground System | |
GSAC | GPS Seamless Archive Center | |
GSC | Geological Survey of Canada | |
GSD | Geological Survey Division, NRCan (Canada) | |
GSDI | Global Spatial Data Infrastructure | |
GSDM | Global Spatial Data Model | |
GSDS | Global Spatial Data System | |
GSFC | Goddard Space Flight Center | DO NOT USE (per NASA Style Guide) |
GSI | Geographical Survey Institute (Tsukuba, Japan) | |
GSIF | Ground Station Interface Facility | |
GSIP | Ground Station Interface Processor | |
GSLV | Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle | |
GSM | Global System for Mobile Communication | |
GSMaP | Global Satellite Mapping of Precipitation | |
GSN | Global Seismographic Network | |
GSS | Geodetic Survey Squadron | |
GSTB | Galileo System Test Bed | |
GTDS | Goddard Trajectory Determination System | |
GTE | Global Tropospheric Experiment | |
GTOPO30 | A global digital elevation model (DEM) with a horizontal grid spacing of 30 arc seconds | |
GTSN | Global Telemetered Seismograph Network | |
GTWAY | Gateway [for Version 0 interoperability] | |
GUARDIAN | GNSS-based Upper Atmospheric Real-time Disaster Information and Alert Network | |
GUI | Graphical User Interface | |
GUID | Globally Unique Identifier | |
GURP | Goddard Uncosted Reduction Project | |
GUTS | Global and High Accuracy Trajectory Determination System | |
GV | Ground Validation | |
GW | Gateway | |
GWELD | Global Web Enabled Landsat Data | |
GWR | Geographyically Weighted Regression | |
H | Back to top | |
H2A/LRE | Laser Ranging Experiment | |
HADS | Hydrometeorological Automated Data Systems | |
HALOE | Halogen Occultation Experiment | |
HANPP | Human Appropriation of Net Primary Productivity | |
HAQAST | Health and Air Quality Applied Sciences Team | |
HAQES | Hazardous Air Quality Ensemble System | |
HARTRAO | Hartebeesthoek Radio Astronomy Observatory (South Africa) | |
HAVAGO | Horizontal and Vertical Adjustment of Geodetic Observations | |
HBASE | Global Human Built-up And Settlement Extent | |
HCR | HDF EOS Configuration Record | |
HDDS | Hazards Data Distribution System | |
HDEV | High Definition Earth Viewing | |
HDF | Hierarchical Data Format | |
HDF-EOS | Hierarchical Data Format - Earth Observing System | |
HDJ | Hydrographic Department of Japan | |
HEG | HDF-EOS to GeoTIFF Conversion Tool | |
HEO | High Earth Orbit | |
HEPnet | High Energy Physics Network | |
HEW | HDF-EOS WEB-based subsetter | |
HGA | Harmony-GDAL-Adapter | |
HGML | Hyper Graphics Markup Language (Graphical Alternative to HTML) | |
HiCARS | High Capability Radar Sounder | |
HIMSS | High-Resolution Microwave Spectrometer Sounder (Replaced By MIMR) | |
HIRAD | Hurricane Imaging Radiometer | |
HIRDLS | High Resolution Dynamics Limb Sounder | |
HIRIS | High-Resolution Imaging Spectrometer | |
HIRRLS | High-Resolution Research Limb Sounder | |
HIRS | High-Resolution Infrared Sounder | |
HIS | High-Resolution Interferometer Sounder | |
HiTIDE | High-level Tool for Interactive Data Extraction | |
HIWRAP | High Altitude Imaging Wind and Rain Airborne Profiler | |
HMA | High Mountain Asia | |
HMC | Hydrogen Maser Clock | |
HNL | High Northern Latitudes | |
HO | Haystack Observatory (Haystack, MA) | |
HOLLAS | Haleakala Laser Station (Maui, HI) | |
HOMAGE | Heat and Ocean Mass from Gravity ESDR | |
HOPLAS | Mount Hopkins Laser Station (Mt. Hopkins, AZ) | |
HOSS | Harmony-OPeNDAP-SubSetter | |
HPGN | High-Precision Geodetic Network | |
HQ | DO NOT USE (per NASA Style Guide) | |
HR | Heterotrophic Respiration | |
HR-AMS | High-Resolution Aerosol Mass Spectrometer | |
HRAO | Hartebeesthoek Radio Astronomy Observatory | |
HRAS | Harvard Radio Astronomy Station | |
HRDFEP | High Rate Demodulator Front End Processor | |
HRG | High-Resolution Geometry (SPOT) | |
HRPT | High-Resolution Picture Transmission (AVHRR) | |
HRV | Haute Résolution dans le Visible (SPOT) | |
HRVIR | High Resolution Visible Infrared (scanner) | |
HS3 | Hurricane and Severe Storm Sentinel | |
HSB | Humidity Sounder - Brazil (Derivative of AMSU-B, Replacing MHS) | |
HSDS | Object Store-Based Data Service for Earth System Science | |
HSI | Hue, Saturation, Intensity – Hyperspectral Imaging Instrument | |
HSRL | High Spectral Resolution Lidar | |
HTC | Hydrographic and Topographic Center | |
HTML | Hypertext Markup Language | *commonly used as HTML or html |
HTTP | Hypertext Transport Protocol | *commonly used as HTTP or http |
HVM | Hardware Virtual Machine | |
HYDE | History Database of the Global Environment | |
HYDICE | Hyperspectral Digital Imagery Collection Experiment | |
HYMAP | Airborne Hyperspectral Imaging | |
HYSOG | Hydrologic Soil Group | |
HyspIRI | Hyperspectral Infrared Imager | |
HYSPLIT | Hybrid Single-Particle Lagrangian Integrated Trajectory | |
HyTES | Hyperspectral Thermal Emission Spectrometer | |
I | Back to top | |
I&CLC2000 | Image and CORINE Land Cover 2000 | |
I-SIPS | ICESat Science Investigator-led Processing System | |
IAA/RAS | Institute of Applied Astronomy of the Russian Academy of Sciences | |
IaaS |
Infrastructure as a Service |
IAC | Infrastructure as Code | |
IAG | International Association of Geodesy | |
IAM | Identity and Access Management | |
IAPG | Institut für Astronomische und Physikalische Geodäsie (Germany) | |
IASI | Infrared Atmospheric Sounding Interferometer | |
IAU | International Astronomical Union | |
IBGE | Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia de Estatistica (Brazil) | |
ICARTT | International Consortium for Atmospheric Research on Transport and Transformation | |
ICC | Instrument Control Center | |
ICCG | Interagency Coordinating Committee for Geodynamics | |
ICD | Interface Control Document | |
ICE POP | International Collaborative Experiment for Pyeongchang Olympic and Paralympics | |
ICESat | Ice, Cloud and Land Elevation Satellite | |
ICET | International Center for Earth Tides | |
ICF | Instrument Control Facility (ECS) | |
ICG | Inter-Union Commission of Geodynamics | |
ICMP | Internet Control Message Protocol | |
ICRF | International Celestial Reference Frame | |
ICRS | International Celestial Reference System | |
ICSU | International Council of Scientific Unions | |
IDA | International Deployment of Accelerometers Network | |
IDL | Interactive Data Language | |
IDS | International DORIS Service | |
IEEE | Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers | |
IELV | Intermediate Expendable Launch Vehicle | |
IEOS | International Earth Observing System | |
IERS | International Earth Rotation Service | |
IESAS | Academia Sinica, Institute of Earth Sciences (Taiwan) | |
IFAG | Institut für Angewandte Geodaesie (Germany) | |
IFC | Iowa Flood Center | |
IFE | Institut für Erdmessung (Germany) | |
IFloodS | Iowa Flood Studies | |
IFOV | Instantaneous Field of View | |
IFREMER | Instiut Francais de Recherche pour l'Exploration de la Mer | |
IFSARE | Inter-ferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar for Elevation | |
IGAC | International Global Atmospheric Chemistry Program of the IGBP | |
IGAP | International Global Aerosol Program | |
IGARSS | IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium | |
IGBP | International Geosphere - Biosphere Programme | |
IGeS | International Geoid Service | |
IGEX | International GLONASS Experiment | |
IGGOS | Integrated Global Geodetic Observing System | |
IGLOS-PP | International GLONASS Service -- Pilot Project | |
IGMP | Internet Group Multicast Protocol | |
International Geosphere–Biosphere Programme – Data and
Information System
IGN | Institut Geographique National (France) International Geodetic Network |
IGOS | Integrated Global Observing Strategy | |
IGP | IGS predicted orbit | |
IGR | IGS rapid orbit | |
IGS | ICEsat Ground System International GNSS Service |
IGSCB | IGS Central Bureau | |
IGST | ICESat Ground System Test | |
IKAR-N | scanning microwave radiometer system | |
IKAR-P | nadir microwave radiometer | |
ILAS | Improved Limb Atmospheric Spectrometer | |
ILRS | International Laser Ranging Service | |
IMERG | Integrated Multi-satelliE Retrievals for GPM | |
IMG | Interferometric Monitor for Greenhouse Gases | |
IMOC | ICESat Mission Operations Center | |
IMPACT | Interagency Implementation and Advanced Concepts Team | |
IMPACTS | Investigation of Microphysics and Precipitation for Atlantic Coast-Threatening Snowstorms | |
IMS | Information Management System | |
IMVP | Institute of Metrology for Time and Space (Russia) | |
INASAN | Institute of Astronomy of the Russian Academy of Sciences | |
INPE | Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (Brasil) | |
INS | inertial navigation system | |
InSAR | Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar | |
INSAT | Indian National Satellite | |
INSPIRE | Infrastructure of Spatial Information in the European Community | |
INTA | Instituto Nacional de Technica Aeroespacial (Spain) | |
Intelsat | International Telecommunications Satellite | |
INTEX-B | Intercontinental Chemical Transport Experiment - Phase B | |
IOC | ICESat Orbit Control Software | |
ION | Institute of Navigation (USA) | |
IONET | Internet Protocol Operational Network | |
IONEX | Ionosphere map exchange format | |
IOP | Inherent Optical Property | |
IOT | Instrument Operations Team | |
IP | Internet Protocol | |
IPA | Inter-Project Agreement | |
IPaaS | Integration Platform as a Service | |
IPCC | Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change | |
IPD | Information Processing Division | |
IPHEx | Integrated Precipitation and Hydrology Experiment | |
IPIE | Science Research Institute for Precision Instrument Engineering (Russia) | |
IPNOC | Internet Protocol Network Operations Center | |
IPOC | International Partner Operations Center | |
IPOMS | International Polar Orbiting Meteorological Satellite Committee | |
IPRG | Institute for Petroleum Research and Geophysics (Israel) | |
IR | Infrared | |
IR&D | Independent Research and Development | |
IR-RAD | Infrared Radiometer | |
IRAD | Independent Research And Development | |
IRCD | Interface Requirements Control Document | |
IRD | Interface Requirements Document | |
IRFC | IGS Reference Frame Coordinator | |
IRIS | Indian Research Satellite | |
IRS | Institut für Erdmessung (Germany) | |
IRTS | Infrared Temperature Sounder | |
IRV | Inter-Range Vector | |
ISAMS | Improved Stratospheric And Mesospheric Sounder | |
ISAS | Institute of Space and Astronautical Science | |
ISCCP | International Satellite Cloud Climatology Project | |
ISDN | Integrated Systems Digital Network | |
ISERV | ISS SERVIR Environmental Research and Visualization System | |
ISF | Instrument Support Facility | |
ISGN | Integrated Space Geodetic Network | |
ISIPS | ICEsat Science Investigator-Led Processing System | |
ISIR | Infrared Spectral Imaging Radiometer | |
ISLSCP | International Satellite Land Surface Climatology Project | |
ISO | International Organization for Standardization | |
ISP | Internet Service Provider | |
ISPRS | International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing | |
ISRO | Indian Space Research Organisation | |
ISS | International Space Station | |
ISSN | International Standard Serial Number | |
IST | Instrument Support Terminal | |
ISTRAC | ISRO Telemetry Tracking and Command Network (India) | |
ITIR | Intermediate Thermal Infrared Radiometer | |
ITMaaS | Information Technology Management as a Service | |
ITRF | International Terrestrial Reference Frame | |
ITRS | International Terrestrial Reference Service | |
ITS LIVE | Inter-Mission Time Series of Land Ice Velocity and Elevation | |
ITSS | Raytheon Information Technology and Scientific Services (USA) | |
IUGG | International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics | |
IVS | International VLBI Service for Geodynamics and Astrometry | |
IVTAN | Institute for High Temperature of the Russian Academy of Sciences | |
IWG | Investigator Working Group | |
IWGDD | Interagency Working Group on Digital Data | |
IWGDMGC | Interagency Working Group on Data Management for Global Change | |
J | Back to top | |
JAnet | Joint Academic Network (United Kingdom) | |
JAROS | Japan Resources Observation System Organization | |
JAVA | Joint Academic Virtual Application | *commonly used as JAVA or java |
JAXA | Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency | |
JCET | Joint Center for Earth Systems Technology (USA) | |
JEA | Environmental Agency of Japan | |
JEOC | Japan's Earth Observation Center | |
JEOS | Japanese Earth Observing System | |
JERS-1 | Japanese Earth Remote-sensing Satellite-1 | |
JGM | Joint Gravity Model | |
JGOFS | Joint Global Ocean Flux Study | |
JGR | Journal of Geophysical Research | |
JHD | Japanese Hydrographic Department | |
JILA | Joint Institute for Laboratory Astrophysics (USA) | |
JIVE | Joint Institute for VLBI for Europe | |
JMA | Japan Meteorological Agency | |
JPL | Jet Propulsion Laboratory | |
JPLAIRSAR | JPL Airborne Synthetic Aperture Radar | |
JPOP | Japanese Polar-Orbiting Platform | |
JPS | Javad Positioning Systems | |
JPSS | Joint Polar Satellite System | |
JRC | Joint Research Centre (Italy) | |
JRC CEO | European Commission Joint Research Centre | |
JSC | Johnson Space Center | DO NOT USE (per NASA Style Guide) |
JSON | JavaScript Object Notation | |
JSP | Joint Seismic Program (USA) | |
JUnet | Japanese University Network | |
JWT | JSON Web Token | |
K | Back to top | |
K | Kelvin | |
KACST | King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology (Riyadh, Saudi Arabia) | |
KAO | Korean Astronomical Observatory | |
KARI | Korea Aerospace Research Institute | |
KaRIn | Ka-band Radar Interferometer | |
KASPR | Ka-band Scanning Polarimetric Radar | |
KB | kilobyte | |
KBR | K-Band Ranging System | |
KDP | Key Decision Point | |
kHz | Kilohertz | |
KML | Keyhole Markup Language | |
KMS | National Survey and Cadastre (Denmark) | |
KNMI | Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute | |
KOMPSAT | Korea Multipurpose Satellite | |
KOOLAS | Kootwijk, The Netherlands Laser Station | |
KPGO | Kokee Park Geophysical Observatory (Kauai, HI) | |
KSC | Kennedy Space Center | DO NOT USE (per NASA Style Guide) |
KVM | Kernel-based Virtual Machine | |
L | Back to top | |
L+T | Swiss Federal Office of Topography | |
L0 | Level 0 (zero) | |
L0R | Level 0 Release | |
L1 | Level 1 | |
L1G | Level 1 Geometrically Corrected | |
L1R | Level 1 Radiometrically Corrected | |
L2 | Level 2 | |
L2TP | Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol | |
L3 | Level 3 | |
L4 | Level 4 | |
LAADS DAAC | Level 1 and Atmosphere Archive and Distribution System DAAC | |
LAAS | Local Area Augmentation System | |
LAC | Local Area Coverage | |
LADAR | Laser Detection and Ranging | |
LAGEOS | Laser Geodynamics Satellite | |
LAI | Leaf area index | |
LAMP | Linux, Apache, MySQL, and PHP Low Altitude Mapping Photogrammetry |
LAMPS | Laser-scan Automated Map Production System | |
LAN | Local Area Network | |
LANCE | Land, Atmosphere Near real-time Capability for Earth Observations (EO) | |
Landsat | Land Remote-Sensing Satellite | |
LANL | Los Alamos National Lab | |
LaRC | Langley Research Center | DO NOT USE (per NASA Style Guide) |
LaRCNET | Langley Research Center Network | |
LARSE | Laboratory for Applications of Remote Sensing in Ecology | |
LASE | LIDAR Atmospheric Sensing Experiment | |
LASER | Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation | *commonly referred to as laser |
LASSO | Laser Synchronization from Stationary Orbit | |
LaTIS | Langley Research Center's TRMM Information System | |
LBA | Large-Scale Biosphere-Atmosphere Experiment in Amazonia | |
LBS | Location-Based Services | |
LCCS | Land Cover Classification System | |
LCLUC | Land Cover and Land Use Change | |
LCPEx | Light Precipitation Evaluation Experiment | |
LDAP | Lightweight Data (or Directory) Access Protocol | |
LDC | IGS Local Data Center | |
LDEO | Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory | |
LDHF | Landsat-7 Data Handling Facility | |
LDOPE | Land Data Operational Product Evaluation | |
LDOS | Landsat Data and Operations System | |
LECZ | Low Elevation Coastal Zone | |
LEO | low-Earth orbit - DO NOT USE (per NASA Style Guide) | |
LERC | Lewis Research Center (Cleveland, OH) | |
LERTS | Laboratoire d'Etudes et de Recherches en Teledetedion Spatiale | |
LGDO | Lamont-Doherty Geological Observatory (Palisades, NY) | |
LGS | LDEO Gravimeter Suite | |
LHASA | Landslide Hazard Assessment | |
lidar | Light Detection And Ranging | |
LIDQA | Landsat Image Data Quality and Analysis | |
LIGHTSAR | Lightweight Synthetic Aperture Radar | |
LIMS | Limb Infrared Monitor of the Stratosphere | |
LIP | Lightning Instrument Package | |
LIS | Lightning Imaging Sensor | |
LITE | LIDAR-in-space Technology Experiment | |
LLC | Logical Link Control | |
LLR | Lunar Laser Ranging | |
LMA | Lightning Mapping Array | |
LMD | Laboratoire de Meteorologie Dynamique | |
LOD | Length of day | |
LOGSWG | Landsat Operations Ground Segment Working Group | |
LOS | Loss Of Signal | |
LP DAAC | Land Processes DAAC | |
LR | Laser Retroreflector | |
LRA | Laser Retroreflector Array | |
LRE | Laser Retroreflector Experiment | |
LRPT | Low-Resolution Picture Transmission | |
LRR | Launch Readiness Review | |
LRRL | Low Rate Return Link | |
LRS | Landsat Recorder System | |
LSPIM | Land-Surface Processes and Interactions Mission | |
LSR | Land Surface Reflectance | |
LSTE | Land Surface Temperature and Emissivity | |
LTA | Long Term Archive | |
LURE | LUnar Ranging Experiment | |
LUT | Look Up Table | |
LV | Launch Vehicle | |
LVIS | Land, Vegetation, and Ice Sensor | |
LW | Longwave radiation | |
LWIR | Long-Wave Infrared (spectral region) | |
LXC | Linux Containers | |
LZP | Level Zero Processing | |
LZPF | Level Zero Processing Facility | |
LZPS | Level Zero Processing System | |
LZW | Lempel Ziv Welch | |
M | Back to top | |
M202 | Multi Mission Observation Operator | |
M2M | Machine to Machine | |
MaaS | Monitoring as a Service | |
MACAWS | Multicenter Airborne Coherent Atmospheric Wind Sensor | |
MACLAS-1 | McDonald Laser Station One (2.7 meter telescope) (TX) | |
MACLAS-2 | McDonald Laser Station Two (MLRS) (TX) | |
MAGSAT | Magnetic Field (Magnetometer) Satellite | |
MAIA | Multi-Angle Imager for Aerosols | |
MAIAC | Multi-Angle Implementation of Atmospheric Correction | |
ManLan | Manhattan Landing (high performance exchange point in New York City) | |
MAO | Main Astronomical Observatory (Ukraine) | |
MAP | Map Accuracy Programme (Africover) | |
MAPS | Measurement of Atmospheric Pollution from Satellites | |
MAPSAT | Mapping Satellite | |
MarineVERSE | Marine Biodiversity and Scaling Project | |
MARLi | Multi-function Airborne Raman Lidar | |
MAS | MODIS Airborne Simulator | |
MASC | Microwave Atmospheric Sounder on Cubesat | |
MASS | Modular Aerial Sensing System | |
MASTER | MODIS/ASTER Airborne Simulator | |
Matlab | Matrix laboratory | |
MATLAS | Matera, Italy Laser Station | |
MAX | Mid-Atlantic Crossroads | |
MB | megabyte | |
mb | millibar | |
MBaaS | Mobile Backend as a Service | |
MBES | Multibeam Echo Sounding | |
MBLA | Multi-Beam Laser Altimeter | |
MC3E | Midlatitude Continental Convective Clouds Experiment | |
MCC | Mission Control Center (Russia) | |
MCEP | Mean Celestial Ephemeris Pole | |
MCIP | Mission Critical IP | |
MCoRDS | Multichannel Coherent Radar Depth Sounder | |
MCP | Meteorological Communications Package Micro Channel Plate |
MCR | Mission Concept Review | |
MCST | MODIS Characterization Support Team (EOS) | |
MDR | Mission Definition Review | |
MEaSUREs | Making Earth System data records for Use in Research Environments | |
MEBS | MODIS Emergency Backup System (EOS) | |
MEDLAS | Mediterranean Laser Campaign | |
MEIS | Multispectral Electrooptical Imaging Sensor | |
MELV | Medium Expendable Launch Vehicle | |
MEO | Middle Earth Orbit (Satellite) | |
MER-TOGA | Data merge to Trace Organic Gas Analyzer | |
MER-WAS | Data merge to Whole Air Sampler | |
MERES | Mineral and Energy Resources Exploration Satellite (Japan) | |
MERIS | Medium-Resolution Imaging Spectrometer (ESA Envisat) | |
MERIT | Monitoring of Earth Rotation and Intercomparison of Techniques | |
MERLIN | MISR Enhanced Research and Lookup Interface | |
MERRA | Modern Era Retrospective-analysis for Research and Applications | |
MESSR | Multispectrum Electronic Self-Scanning Radiometer | |
METEOSAT | Geosynchronous Meteorology Satellite (ESA) | |
METI | Ministry of Economy Trade and Industry (Formerly Known As MITI) | |
MetOp | Meteorological Operational Weather Satellite | |
METSAT | Meteorological Satellite | |
MFEnet | Magnetic Fusion Energy Network | |
MFOV | Medium Field of View | |
MGRS | Military Grid Reference System | |
MHS | Microwave Humidity Sounder (EOS) | |
MHz | MegaHertz | |
MIAS | Multispectral Image Analysis System | |
MIDAS | Multispectral Interactive Data Analysis System | |
MIIC | Multi-Instrument Inter-Calibration Framework | |
MILnet | Defense data network | |
MIMR | Multifrequency Imaging Microwave Radiometer | |
MINDS | Multi-Decadal Nitrogen Dioxide and Derived Products from Satellites | |
MIPAS | Michelson Interferometer for Passive Atmospheric Sounding | |
MIR | Multispectral Imaging Radiometer | |
MIRAS | Microwave Imaging Radiometer with Aperture Synthesis (ESA) | |
MIRIAM/DOPI | Mir Infrared Atmospheric Measurements/Double Pendulum Interferometer | |
MISR | Multi-angle Imaging SpectroRadiometer (EOS) | |
MITI | Ministry of International Trade and Industry | |
MIVIS | Multispectral Infrared and Visible Imaging Spectrometer | |
MLRO | Matera Laser Ranging Observatory (Italy) | |
MLRS | McDonald Laser Ranging System | |
MLS | Microwave Limb Sounder | |
MMIC | Monolithic Microwave Integrated Circuit | |
MMO | Multi-Mission Operations | |
MMR | Modular Multi-Band Radiometer | |
MMT | Metadata Management Tool | |
MO&DSD | Mission Operations and Data Systems Directorate (GSFC Code 500) | |
MOA | Memorandum Of Agreement | |
MOBLAS | MOBile LASer Ranging System | |
MOC | Mission Operations Center | |
MODAPS | MODIS Adaptive Processing System | |
MODExtract | MODIS Data Pool Extraction Tool | |
MODIS | Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (EOS) | |
MODIS-N | Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer - Nadir | |
MODLAND | MODIS Land Discipline Group (EOS) | |
MODS | Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectrometer | |
MOM | Mobile Optical Mount | |
MOMS | Modular Optoelectric Multispectral Scanner | |
MOP | Meteosat Operational Programme | |
MOPITT | Measurements of Pollution in the Troposphere | |
MOS | Marine Observation Satellite | |
MOSAiC | Multidisciplinary drifting Observatory for the Study of Arctic Climate | |
MOSPF | Multicast Open Shortest Path First | |
MOU | Memorandum of Understanding | |
MP-MP | Multipoint-Multipoint Systems | |
MPLS | Multiprotocol Label Switching | |
MPPP | Multi-Link Point-to-Point Protocol | |
MPRD | Modified Proportional Radial Displacement | |
MPS | Mission Planning System (ASF) | |
mrad | microradians | |
MRIR | Medium Resolution Infrared Radiometer (Nimbus) | |
MRMS | Multi-Radar/Multi-Sensor | |
MRR | Micro Rain Radar | |
MrSID | Multiresolution Seamless Image Database | |
MRT | MODIS Reprojection Tool | |
MRTP | Mission Readiness Test Plans | |
MRTSwatch | MODIS Reprojection Tool for Swath | |
MRTWeb | MODIS Reprojection Tool for the Web | |
ms | millisecond | |
MSaaS | Managed Software as a Service | |
MSAS | MTSAT Satellite-Based Augmentation Satellite | |
MSAVI | Modified Soil Adjusted Vegetation Index | |
MSC | Multispectral Camera | |
MSF | Methane Source Finder | |
MSFC | Marshall Space Flight Center | DO NOT USE (per NASA Style Guide) |
MSG | Meteosat Second Generation (ESA) | |
MSL | Mean Sea Level | |
MSMR | Multi-frequency Scanning Microwave Radiometer | |
MSO | Mount Stromlo (Canberra, NSW, Australia) | |
MSP | Managed Service Provider | |
MSR | Microwave Scanning Radiometer | |
MSS | mean square slope Multi-Spectral Scanner (Landsat 1-5) |
MSSSO | Mount Stromlo and Siding Spring Observatory (Canberra, NSW, Australia) | |
MSTI | Miniature Seeker Technology Integration | |
MsTMIP | Multi-scale Synthesis and Terrestrial Model Intercomparison Project | |
MSU | Microwave Sounding Unit | |
MSU-SK | Multispectral Optical Scanner | |
MTF | Modulation Transfer Function | |
MTLRS | Modular Transportable Laser Ranging System | |
MTPE | Mission to Planet Earth (USA) | |
MTS | Meteoroid Technology Satellite (NASA) | |
MTSAT | Multi-functional Transport Satellite (Japan) | |
MTTR | Mean Time To Recover | |
MTTRS | Mean Time To Restore Service | |
MUR | Multi-scale Ultra-high Resolution | |
MUSSIC | Multi-Satellite Ultraviolet Solar Spectral Irradiance Composite | |
MV | Mobile VLBI | |
MVP | Minimum Valuable Product | |
MWG | Missions Working Group (ILRS) | |
N | Back to top | |
NAALSED | North American ASTER Land Surface Emissivity Database | |
NAAMES | North Atlantic Aerosols and Marine Ecosystems Study | |
NACL | Network Access Control List | |
NACP | North American Carbon Program | |
NAD | North American Datum | |
NAL | National Aerospace Laboratory of Japan | |
NALC | North American Land Characterization | |
NAM | NASA Advisory Manager | |
NAO | National Astronomical Observatory (Tokyo, Japan) | |
NAPEOS | Navigation Package for Earth Observation Satellites | |
NAPP | National Aerial Photography Program | |
NARA | National Archives and Records Administration | |
NARSA | National Advanced Remote Sensing Applications Program | |
NARSTO | North American Research Strategy for Tropospheric Ozone | |
NAS | NASA Advisory Council National Academy of Sciences |
NASA | National Aeronautics and Space Administration | *commonly used as NASA |
NASCOM | NASA Communications Network | |
NASCOP | NASA Communications Operating Procedures | |
NASDA | National Space Development Agency (Japan) | |
NASIRC | NASA Automated Systems Incident Response Capabilities | |
NASTRAN | NASA Structural Analysis (Program) | |
NATMAP | NATional MAPping | |
NAVSTAR | Navigation Satellite Timing and Ranging Global Positioning System | |
NBAR | Nadir BRDF Adjusted Reflectance | |
NBI | Network Business Intelligence | |
NBIS | Northern Biosphere Information System | |
NBSM | National Bureau of Surveying and Mapping (China) | |
NCAR | National Center for Atmospheric Research | |
NCC | National Cartographic Centre (Iran) | |
NCDC | National Climatic Data Center (NOAA) | |
NCDS | NASA Climate Data System | |
NCEDC | Northern California Earthquake Data Center (USA) | |
NCEP | National Center for Environmental Prediction (NOAA) | |
NCEP AWC | National Center for Environmental Prediction Air Weather Center | |
NCF | NSSDC Computer Facility | |
NCGIA | National Center for Geographic Information and Analysis | |
NCL | University of Newcastle upon Tyne (United Kingdom) | |
NCMN | National Crustal Motion Network | |
NCSA | National Center for Supercomputer Applications | |
NCSC | National Computer Security Center | |
NCSL | National Computer Systems Laboratory | |
NCST | Naval Center for Space Technology (USA) | |
Nd:YAG | Neodymium Yttrium Aluminum Garnet | |
NDACC | Network for the Detection of Atmospheric Composition Change | |
NDCS | National Digital Cartographic Standards | |
NDMC | National Drought Mitigation Center | |
NDPR | NASA Defense Purchase Request | |
NDSI | Normalized Difference Snow Index | |
NDVI | Normalized Difference Vegetation Index | |
NED | National Elevation Dataset | |
NEP | net ecosystem production | |
NEPP | NASA Electronic Parts and Packaging | |
NERC | National Environmental Research Centre (UK) | |
NEROC | North East Rotation Observatory Corporation | |
NESDD | NOAA Earth Science Data Directory | |
NESDIS | National Environmental Satellite, Data, and Information Service (NOAA) | |
NET | National Environmental Satellite, Data, and Information Service | |
netCDF | Network Common Data Form | |
NewDISS | New Data and Information Systems and Services | |
NEWG | Networks and Engineering Working Group (ILRS) | |
NEWS | NOAA’s Earth Watch Service | |
NEXRAD | Next Generation Weather Radar | |
NGAP | NASA-compliant General Application Platform | |
NGDC | National Geophysical Data Center (NOAA); National Geospatial Data Clearinghouse | |
NGDF | National Geospatial Data Files | |
NGIX | Next Generation Internet Exchange | |
NGMA | National Geoscience Mapping Agency (Australia) | |
NGMBD | National Geologic Map Database (USGS) | |
NGRS | National Geodetic Reference System | |
NGS | National Geodetic Survey | |
NGT | NASA Ground Terminal | |
NGVD | National Geodetic Vertical Datum | |
NGWIC | National Ground Water Information Center | |
NHAP | National High Altitude Photography | |
NIAC | NASA Institute for Advanced Concepts | |
NIC | NASA Information Center | |
NICMOS | Near-Infrared Camera and Multi-Object Spectrometer | |
NICT | National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (Japan) | |
NIES | National Institute for Environmental Studies (Japan) | |
NIMBUS | NASA Meteorological Satellites (1 through 7) | |
NIR | Near Infrared (spectral region) | |
NISE | Near Real-Time SSM/I EASE-Grid Daily Global Ice Concentration and Snow Extent | |
NISN | NASA Integrated Services Network | |
NISS | NASA Institutional Support Systems | |
NITRD | Networking and Information Technology Research and Development | |
NIX | NASA Image Exchange | |
NLAPS | National Landsat Archive Production System (USGS) | |
NLCD | National Land Cover Dataset (USGS) | |
NLDAS | North American Land Data Assimilation System | |
NLDC | NASA Landsat Data Collection | |
NLOS | Not Line of Sight | |
NLRS | National Laser Ranging System (Orroral, Australia) | |
NLS | National Land Survey (Sweden) | |
NM | Nadir Mapper | |
NMA | Norwegian Mapping Authority | |
NMAS | National Map Accuracy Standards | |
NMASS | Nucleation Mode Aerosol Size Spectrometer | |
NMC | National Meteorological Center (NOAA) | |
NMD | NASA Master Directory National Mapping Division (Australia) |
NMI | NASA Management Instruction | |
NMOS | NASA Management and Operations Support Network and Mission Operations Support (NASA Program) |
NMP | New Millenium Program | |
NMQ | National Mosaic and Multi-Sensor QPE | |
NNSS | Navy Navigational Satellite System | |
NO2 | Nitrogen Dioxide | |
NOAA | National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration | |
NOAA SAA | NOAA Satellite Active Archive | |
NOARL | Naval Oceanographic and Atmospheric Research Lab | |
NOC | Network Operations Center | |
NODC | National Oceanographic Data Center (NOAA) | |
NODIS | NSSDC Online Data and Information Service | |
NODS | NASA Ocean Data System | |
NOMC | Network Operations Management Center | |
NOS | National Ocean Survey | |
NOSIE | NODC Ocean Science Information Exchange | |
NOSS | National Oceanic Satellite System | |
NOX | Northern Crossroads | |
NP | Nadir Profiler Normal Point |
NPAS | Network Planning and Analysis System | |
NPG | NASA Procedure and Guidelines | |
NPL | National Physical Laboratory (India) | |
NPOESS | National Polar-orbiting Operational Environmental Satellite System | |
NPOL | NASA S-Band Dual-Polarimetric Radar | |
NPOP-1 | NASA Polar Orbiting Platform (One) | |
NPP | net primary production NPOESS Preparatory Project |
NPR | NASA Procedural Requirements | |
NRA | NASA Research Announcement | |
NRAO | National Radio Astronomy Observatory | |
NRC | National Research Council | |
NRCan | National Resources of Canada (Ottawa, Canada) | |
NRDN | NOAA Radar Data Network | |
NREN | National Research and Education Network | |
NRIAG | National Research Institute of Astronomy and Geophysics (Egypt) | |
NRL | Naval Research Laboratory | |
NRMI | Natural Resource Management Index | |
NRPI | Natural Resource Protection and Child Health Indicators | |
NRSA | National Remote Sensing Agency (India) | |
NRSC | National Remote Sensing Centre (UK) | |
NRSCC | National Remote Sensing Centre of China | |
NRT | Near Real-Time | |
NRTP | Near Real-Time Processor | |
NRTPE | Near Real-Time Processing Effort | |
NRTS | Near Real-Time System | |
NSA | Northern Study Area | |
NSAP | Network Services Access Point | |
NSAU | National Space Agency of Ukraine | |
NSC | Norwegian Space Centre | |
NSCAT | NASA Scatterometer | |
NSDS | NASA Software Documentation Standard | |
NSF | National Science Foundation | |
NSG | NASA Sentinel Gateway | |
NSGF | NERC Space Geodesy Facility (United Kingdom) | |
NSIDC DAAC | National Snow and Ice Data Center DAAC | |
NSM | Network Service Manager | |
NSN | NASA Science Network | |
NSP | Korean National Space Development Plan | |
NSpC | National Space Council | |
NSPD | National Space Policy Directive | |
NSPIRES | NASA Solicitation and Proposal Integrated Review and Evaluation System | |
NSR | NISN Service Request | |
NSRS | National Spatial Reference System (NOAA) | |
NSSDC | National Space Science Data Center | |
NSSL | National Severe Storms Laboratory (NOAA) | |
NSTC | National Space and Technology Council | |
NSTR | NASA Standard Tape Recorder | |
NTIS | National Technical Information Service | |
NTS | National Topographic Series (Canada); National Topographic System (Canada); Navigation Technology Satellite | |
NTTF | NASA Test and Training Facility | |
NUVEL | Northwestern University velocity model | |
NVAP | NASA Water Vapor Project | |
NVCS | National Vegetation Classification Standard | |
NWP | Numerical Weather Prediction | |
NWS | National Weather Service (NOAA) | |
NWS-HRL | NWS - Hydrologic Research Laboratory | |
NWS-RFC | NWS - Regional Forecast Center | |
NWS-RFO | NWS - River Forecast Office | |
O | Back to top | |
O3 | Ozone | |
OA | Operations Agreement | |
OASIS | GIPSY-Orbit Analysis and SImulation Software | |
OB.DAAC | Ocean Biology Distributed Active Archive Center | |
OBPG | Ocean Biology Processing Group | |
OCA | Observatoire de la Cote d'Azur (France) | |
OCDPS | Ocean Color Data Processing System | |
OCM | Ocean Colour Monitor | |
OCO | Orbiting Carbon Observatory | |
OCR | Optical Character Recognition; Optical Character Reader | |
OCTS | Ocean Color and Temperature Scanner (Japan, ADEOS) | |
ODB | Orbit Determination Beacon | |
ODC | IGS Operational Data Center | |
ODL | Object Description Language | |
ODPS | Ocean Data Processing System SIPS OMI Dutch Processing System |
ODS | One Day Schedule | |
OEC | Optical-Electronic Camera | |
OGC | Open Geospatial Consortium | |
OGT | Observatoire Géodésique de Tahiti (French Polynesia) | |
OIIP | Oceanographic In-situ data Interoperability Project | |
OLG | Observatory Lustbuehel Graz (Austria) | |
OLI | Operational Land Imager | |
OLS | Optical Line Scanner | |
OLYMPEX | Olympic Mountain Experiment | |
OMAERO | OMI Multi-wavelength | |
OMAEUV | OMI Ultraviolet | |
OMB | Office of Management and Budget | |
OMG | Oceans Melting Greenland | |
OMI | Ozone Monitoring Instrument | |
OMIS | Optical Multichannel Imaging Sensor (NPOESS) | |
OMPS | Ozone Mapper/Profiler Suite | |
ONVS | Ozone Near-real-time and Very-fast-delivery System | |
OPeNDAP | Open-source Project for Network Data Access Protocol | |
OPERA | Observation Products for End-Users for Remote Sensing Analysis | |
ORACLES | ObseRvations of Aerosols above CLouds and their intEractionS | |
ORFEO | Optical and Radar Federated Earth Observation | |
ORNL DAAC | Oak Ridge National Laboratory DAAC | |
ORR | Operational Readiness Review | |
ORRLAS | Orroral, Australia Laser Station | |
ORT | Optical Ranging Telescope | |
OSC | Orbital Sciences Corporation | |
OSCAR | Ocean Surface Current Analysis Real-time | |
OSDPD | Office of Space Data Processing and Distribution (NOAA) | |
OSF | Observation Schedule File | |
OSGB | Ordinance Survey of Great Britain | |
OSMI | Ocean Scanning Multispectral Imager | |
OSO | Onsala Space Observatory (Sweden) | |
OSPF | Open Shortest Path First (Routing Protocol) | |
OSPO | Office of Satellite and Product Operations | |
OSS | Open Source Software | |
OSTA | Office of Space and Terrestrial Applications (USA) | |
OSTM | Ocean Surface Topography Mission | |
OSTP | Office of Science and Technology Policy | |
OTAGO | University of Otago (Dunedin, New Zealand) | |
OUAT | Olsztyn University of Agriculture and Technology (Poland) | |
OVRO | Owens Valley Radio Observatory | |
P | Back to top | |
P-MP | Point-MultiPoint systems | |
PaaS | Platform as a Service | |
PACOR | Packet Processor | |
PALS | Passive Active L- and S-band Sensor | |
PALSAR | Phased-Array L-band SAR (Japan) | |
Pan-STARRS | Panoramic Survey Telescope and Rapid Response System (USA) | |
PANGA | Pacific Northwest Geodetic Array (USA) | |
PAR | Photosynthetically Active Radiation | |
PAS | Polish Academy of Sciences | |
PASSCAL | Program for Array Seismic Studies of the Continental Lithosphere (USA) | |
PB | petabyte (1015) | |
PBL | planetary boundary layer | |
PC-TomoSAR | Polarimetric Coherence Tomographic SAR | |
PCA | Primary Census Abstract | |
PCDTM | Point Cloud Digital Terrain Model | |
PCGIAP | Permanent Committee for GIS Infrastructure for Asia and the Pacific | |
PCS | Preservation Content Specification | |
PDR | Preliminary Design Review Product Delivery Record |
PDS | Production Data Set | |
PE&RS | Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing (journal) | |
PERSIANN-CCS | Precipitation Estimation from Remotely Sensed Information using Artificial Neural Networks Cloud Classification System | |
PFAR | Post-Flight Assessment Review | |
PFM | Proto-Flight Model | |
PGC | Pacific Geoscience Center (Canada) | |
PGE | Product Generation Exectuable | |
PGGA | Permanent GPS Geodetic Array (Southern California) | |
PGS | Polar Ground System Product Generation System |
PHAIRS | Public Health Application in Remote Sensing | |
PHD | Polar HDF-EOS Data Imaging and Subsetting | |
PI | Principal Investigator | |
PICARD | Push-broom Imager for Cloud and Aerosol Research and Development | |
PIM | Protocol Independent Multicast | |
PIP | Precipitation Imaging Package | |
PL | Public Law | |
PLAR | Post-Launch Assessment Review | |
PLDS | Pilot Land Data System | |
PLRA | Program-Level Requirements Appendix | |
PLUE | Population, Land Use, and Emissions | |
PM/UT | Polar Motion/Universal Time | |
PMR | Pressure-Modulated Radiometer | |
PMSL | Permanent Service for Mean Sea Level | |
PMT | Photo Multiplier Tube | |
PNNL | Pacific Northwest National Laboratory | |
PO.DAAC | Physical Oceanography Distributed Active Archive Center | |
POA&Ms | Plan of Action/Milestones | |
POAM | Polar Ozone and Aerosols Mission | |
POC | Point Of Contact | |
POD | Polarimeter Definition Precision orbit determination |
PODEX | Polarimeter Definition Experiment | |
POEM | Polar-Orbit Earth Observation Mission | |
POEMS | Positron Electron Magnet Spectrometer | |
POES | Polar-Orbiting Operational Environmental Satellite | |
POGO | Polar-Orbiting Geophysical Observatory | |
POLAC | Paris Observatory Lunar Analysis Center (France) | |
POLARIS | Photochemistry of Ozone Loss in the Arctic Region In Summer POLar motion Analysis by Radio Interferometry |
POLDER | Polarization and Directionality of Earth's Reflectances (CNES, ADEOS) | |
POLES | Polar Exchange at the Sea Surface | |
PolinSAR | Polarimetric Interferometric SAR | |
POP | Program Operating Plan | |
POS | Product Order Status | |
POSS | Precipitation Occurrence Sensor System | |
PP | Principal Point | |
PPET | Portable Pico-Second Event Timer | |
PPME | Pacific Plate Motion Experiment | |
PPR | Photopolarimeter Radiometer | |
PPRS | Precipitation Retrieval and Profiling Scheme | |
PPS | Precipitation Processing System | |
PR | Precipitation Radar (TRMM) | |
PRAMM | Planning Research Analysis Marketing and Management Firm (USA) | |
PRARE | Precise Range and Range-rate Equipment | |
PRAREE | Precise Range and Range Rate Equipment - Extended | |
PREFIRE | Polar Radiant Energy in the Far Infrared Experiment | |
PRIRODA | Nature Instrument Model on Russian MIR Station | |
PRISM | Portable Remote Imaging Spectrometer | |
PRISMA | Hyperspectral Precursor of the Application Mission | |
PRPS | Precipitation Retrieval and Profiling Scheme | |
PRR | Production Readiness Review | |
PSA | Product Specific Attributes | |
PSAT | Predicted Site Acquisition Table | |
PSD | Product Specification Document | |
PSI | Packetnet Systems Interface | |
PSLA | Project Service Level Agreement | |
PSLR | Portable Satellite Laser Ranging System (Latvia) | |
PSLV | Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle | |
PSN | Piano Spazial Nazionale (Italy) | |
PT-JPL | Priestly-Taylor Jet Propulsion Laboratory | |
PTH | Performance Test Host | |
PTTI | Precise Time and Time Interval | |
PU | Processing Unit | |
PULKOVA/RAS | Astronomical Observatory at Pulkova/Russian Academy of Sciences | |
PUMP | Provider User Management Program (retied; replaced by MMT) | |
PV | Precision Visuals | |
PVC | Performance Verification Center | |
PVI | Perpendicular Vegetation Index Precipitation Video Imager |
PW | Precipitable water | |
PWV | Precipitable water vapor | |
PyLOT | Python cLoud Operations Tool | |
pyQuARC | Python library for Earth observation metadata quality assessment | |
Q | Back to top | |
QA | Quality Assurance | |
QC | Quality Control | |
QL | Quick-Look | |
QLDAC | Quick-Look Data Analysis Center (The Netherlands) | |
QOS | Quality of Service | |
QUASAR | Quality Assurance and Stability Reference | |
QuikSCAT | Quick Scatterometer | |
QWIP | Quantum Well Infrared Photodetector | |
R | Back to top | |
RA | Radar Altimeter | |
RADAR | Radio Direction And Ranging | *commonly referred to as radar |
RADARSAT | Radar Satellite | |
RADEX | Radar Definition Experiment | |
RAID | Redundant Array of Independent Disks | |
RAMP | Radarsat Antarctic Mapping Program | |
RAMSES | Retrieval Algorithm for Microwave Sounders in Earth Science | |
RAR | Real Aperture Radar | |
RAS | Russian Academy of Sciences | |
RASA | Russia Aviation-Space Agency | |
RASCAL | Raster Scanning Airborne Laser | |
RBD | Rate Buffered Data | |
RCFC&WCD | Riverside County Flood Control and Water Conservation District (USA) | |
RCIP | Real-Time Critical IP | |
RCP | Representative Concentration Pathway | |
RCSSMRS | Regional Center for Services in Surveying, Mapping and Remote Sensing | |
RDAAC | Regional GPS Data Acquisition and Analysis Center on Northern Eurasia | |
RDC | IGS Regional Data Center | |
REIS | RapidEye Earth Imaging System | |
REYNSST | NCEP Reynolds Blended SST Weekly Product | |
RF | Radio Frequency | |
RFC | Request For Comment | |
RGB | Red-Green-Blue | |
RGO | Royal Greenwich Observatory (Great Britain) | |
RGOLAS | RGO, Herstmonceux, Great Britain Laser System | |
RGS | Receiving Ground Station (ASF) | |
RINEX | Receiver Independent Exchange (GPS data format) | |
RIP | Router Information Protocol | |
RIS | Raster Image Set Reflector in Space |
RISC | Reduced Instruction-Set Computing | |
RISDE | Russian Institute of Space Device Engineering | |
RITSS | Raytheon Information Technology and Scientific Services (USA) | |
RM | Reference Monument | |
RMS | Requirements Management System | |
RMSE | Root-Mean-Square Error | |
RNAAC | IGS Regional Network Associate Analysis Center | |
RNSS | Radio Navigation Satellite Service | |
RO | Radio Occultation | |
ROA | Real Instituto y Observatorio de la Armada (Spain) | |
ROA | Real Instituto y Observatorio de la Armada (Spain) Remotely Operated Aircraft |
ROB | Observatoire Royal de Belgium (Brussels, Belgium) | |
ROM | Read-Only Memory | |
ROSA | Radio Occultation for Sounding the Atmosphere | |
ROSHYDROMET | Russian Federal Service for Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring | |
ROSIS | Reflective Optics System Imaging Spectrometer | |
rpm | revolutions per minute | |
RQMT | Requirements Document | |
RRA | RetroReflector Array | |
RRL | Radio Research Laboratories (Japan) | |
RRS | Reduced Redundancy Storage | |
RSA | Russian Space Agency Rosaviakosmos | |
RSAC | Remote Sensing Applications Center | |
RSG | Refraction Study Group (ILRS) Remote Sensing Group (UAZ) |
RSI | RADARSAT International | |
RSMAS | Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences | |
RSS | Remote Sensing Society (UK) | |
RST | Remote Science Terminal | |
RSU | Rivers State University of Science and Technology (Nigeria) | |
RT | Real-Time | |
RTADS | Real-Time Attitude Determination System | |
RTC | Radiometrically Terrain-Correct | |
RTCM | Radio Technical Commission for Maritime (format) | |
RTCP | Real-Time Control Protocol | |
RTCS | Real-Time Command Sequence | |
RTK | Real Time Kinematic | |
RTP | Real-Time Positioning | |
RTS | Real-Time System | |
RTSP | Real-Time Streaming Protocol | |
RTSS | Real-Time System Simulator | |
RTSW | Real Time Solar Wind | |
RUC | Rapid Update Cycle | |
RVoG | Random Volume over Ground | |
S | Back to top | |
S&R | Search and Rescue | |
S-GCOS | Space-Based Global Change Observation System | |
S-HIS | Scanning High-Resolution Interferometer Sounder | |
S-MODE | Sub-Mesoscale Ocean Dynamics Experiment | |
S-PDS | Session-based Production Data Sets | |
S3 | Amazon Simple Storage Service | |
s3fs | S3 File System | |
S4PM | Simple, Scalable, Script-based, Science Processor for Measurements | |
SA | Selective Availability | |
SAAO | South African Astronomical Observatory | |
SaaS | Software as a Service | |
SABGOM | South Atlantic Bight and Gulf of Mexico | |
SAC-C | Satelite de Aplicaciones Cientificas-C | |
SAC-D | Satélite de Aplicaciones Científicas-D | |
SAFARI | Southern African Regional Science Initiative | |
SAFE | San Andreas Fault Experiment | |
SAFIRE | Spectroscopy of the Atmosphere using Far Infrared Emission | |
SAGE | Stratospheric Aerosol and Gas Experiment | |
SALRO | Saudi Arabian Laser Ranging Observatory (Riyadh, Saudi Arabia) | |
SAM | Stratospheric Aerosol Measurement | |
SAMS | Stratospheric And Mesospheric Sounder | |
SAO | Shanghai Astronomical Observatory (PRC) Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory |
SAP | Service Access Point | |
SAPHIR | Sounder for Probing Vertical Profiles of Humidity | |
SAR | Synthetic Aperture Radar | |
SARSAT | SAR Satellite | |
SAS-C | Scientific Applications Satellite - C | |
SASS | Seasat-A Satellite Scatterometer System | |
SATC | Software Assurance Technology Center | |
SAVE | Southern African Validation of EOS | |
SAVI | Soil-Adjusted Vegetation Index | |
SB-PDS | Session-Based Production Data Sets | |
SBA | Search Based Application | |
SBES | Singlebeam Echo Sounding | |
SBUV | Solar Backscatter Ultraviolet | |
SC | Station Coordinates | |
SC | Station Coordinates Sub-Commission |
SCA | Star Camera Assembly | |
ScaLARS | Scanning Laser Altitude and Reflectance Sensor (Germany) | |
SCaMPR | Self-Calibrating Multivariate Precipitation Retrieval | |
SCAN | Snow Climate Analysis Network | |
SCANSAR | Scanning Synthetic Aperture Radar | |
SCANSCAT | Scatterometer (Dual Pencil-Beam), Advanced Scatterometer for Studies in Meteorology and Oceanography | |
SCAR-A | Smoke/Sulfates, Clouds and Radiation - America | |
SCAR-B | Smoke/Sulfates, Clouds and Radiation - Brazil | |
SCARAB | Scanner for the Radiation Budget | |
SCEC | Southern California Earthquake Center | |
SCEG | School of Civil Engineering and Geosciences (United Kingdom) | |
SCF | Science Computing Facility | |
SCIAMACHY | Scanning Imaging Absorption Spectrometer for Atmospheric Cartography | |
SCIGN | Southern California Integrated GPS Network | |
SCP | Secure Copy | |
SCUBA | Self Contained Underwater Breathing Apparatus | *commonly referred to as scuba |
SDAC | Satellite Data Analysis Center | |
SDAT | Spatial Data Access Tool | |
SDCS | SAR Data Catalog System | |
SDMP | Science Data Management Plan | |
SDN | Software-Defined Network (SD-LAN, SD-WAN) | |
SDOC | Science Data Operations Center | |
SDPF | Science Data Processing Facility | |
SDPS | Science Data Processing Segment (ECS) Science Data Processing System |
SDR | System Definition Review | |
SDS | Science Data System | |
SDSC | San Diego Supercomputer Center | |
SDSD | Satellite Data Services Division | |
SE&I | System Engineering and Integration | |
SE/RC | System Evolution/Release C (ECS) | |
SEAC4RS | Southeast Asia Composition, Cloud, Climate Coupling Regional Study | |
SeaDAS | SeaWiFS Data Analysis System | *commonly referred to as SeaDAS |
SeaPAC | SeaWinds Project (JPL) | |
SEASAR | Sea Synthetic Aperture Radar | |
SEASAT | Sea Satellite | |
SEASTAR | Spacecraft Flying SeaWiFS | |
SeaWiFS | Sea-Viewing Wide-Field Sensor | |
SeaWinds | Seawinds Scatterometer (for Flight on ADEOS II) | |
SEDAC | Socioeconomic Data and Applications Center | |
SEE | Sustaining Engineering Facility (EDOS Component) | |
SEEDS | Strategic Evolution of ESE Data Systems (formerly NewDISS) | |
SEF | Sustaining Engineering Facility (EDOS) | |
SELV | Small Expendable Launch Vehicle | |
SEM | Space Environment Monitor | |
SENH | Solid Earth and Natural Hazards (USA) | |
SERF | Service Entry Resource Format | |
SESDI | Semantically-Enabled Scientific Data Integration | |
SESPD | Space and Earth Science Programs Directorate | |
SETIC | Selective Time-Interval Counter | |
SEVIRI | Spinning Enhanced Visible and Infrared Imager (ESA) | |
SEWP | Scientific and Engineering Workstation Procurement | |
SFE | Science Formatting Equipment (Terra AM-1) | |
SFSI | Shortwave-Infrared Full Spectrum Imager (Canada) | |
SFTP | Secure Shell File Transfer Protocol | |
SGAPO | Space Geodesy and Altimetry Projects Office | |
SGI | Silicon Graphics - Iris | |
SGML | Standard Generalized Markup Language | |
SGMS | Space Geodetic Measurement Sites | |
SGP | Space Geodesy Project | |
SGS | Svalbard Ground Station (Norway) | |
SHAO | Shanghai Observatory (PRC) | |
SHIPS | Statistical Hurricane Intensity Prediction Scheme | |
SHO | Simosato Hydrographic Observatory (Japan) | |
Simosato, Japan Laser Station |
SI | Spatial Information | |
SIASGE | Sistema Italo-Argentino de Satélites protects Gestión de Emergencias | |
SiB4 | Simple Biosphere Model 4 | |
SIF | Solar-Induced Fluorescence | |
SIF-ESDR | Solar-Induced Fluorescence Earth Science Data Record | |
SIG | Special Interest Group | |
SIM | Spectral Irradiance Monitor | |
SIMBIOS | Sensor Intercomparison and Merger for Biological and Interdisciplinary Oceanic Studies | |
SIMIP | Sea Ice Model Intercomparison Project | |
SIMMS | Scalable Integrated Multi-Mission Simulator | |
SIN | Sinusoidal | |
SINEX | Software Independent Exchange Format | |
SIO | Scripps Institution of Oceanography (San Diego, CA) | |
SIP | Standard Internet Protocol | |
SIPS | Science Investigator-led Processing System | |
SIR | System Integration Review | |
SIR-C | Shuttle Imaging Radar-C | |
SIR-C/X-SAR | Spaceborne Imaging Radar-C/X-Band SAR | |
SIRAL | SAR/Interferometric Radar Altimeter | |
SIRS | Satellite Infrared Spectrometer | |
SIS | Spatial Information System | |
SISS | Software Implementation Support System | |
SISTER | Space-based Imaging Spectroscopy and Thermal pathfindER | |
SIT | System Integration Test | |
SIVY | Systems Integration and Visualization of Yellowstone | |
SK | Statens Kartverk (Norway) | |
SKS | Svalbard Kongsberg Ground Station | |
SKYLER | SBU X-band Phased Array Radar | |
SLA | Service Level Agreement | |
SLAI | Sunlit Leaf Area Index | |
SLAR | Side-Looking Airborne Radar | |
SLR | Satellite Laser Ranging | |
SLRF 2020 | Satellite Laser Ranging Format 2020 | |
SMAP | Soil Moisture Active Passive | |
SMAPVEX | SMAP Validation Experiment | |
SMC | System Management Center | |
SMD | Science Mission Directorate | |
SMIL | Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language | |
SMM | Solar Maximum Mission | |
SMMR | Scanning Multispectral Microwave Radiometer | |
SMOS | Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity | |
SMP | SnowMicroPen | |
SMS | Synchronous Meteorological Satellite | |
SMSR | Safety and Mission Success Review | |
SMTP | Simple Mail Transport Protocol | |
SN | Space Network | |
SNMP | Simple Network Management Protocol | |
SNOTEL | Snow Telemetry | |
SNOW-I | Search 'N Order Web Interface | |
SnowEx | Snow Experiment | |
SNR | Signal-to-Noise Ratio | |
SNS | Simple Notification Service | |
SNSB | Swedish National Space Board | |
SNWG | Satellite Needs Working Group | |
SOAP | Simple Object Access Protocol Single Operator Automation System |
SOAR | Satellite Ocean Aerosol Retrieval | |
SoCAB | South Coast Air Basin | |
SOCC | Science Operations Control Center | |
SOD | Site Occupation Designator | |
SoilSCAPE | Soil Moisture Sensing Controller and Optimal Estimator | |
SOLSPEC | Solar Spectrum (Space Shuttle instrument from Europe) | |
SOLSTICE | Solar Stellar Irradiance Comparison Experiment | |
SOM | Space Oblique Mercator (projection); Spatial Object Manager | |
SONAR | Sound Navigation and Ranging | |
SONET | Synchronous Optical Network | |
SOP | Standard Operating Procedure | |
SOPAC | Scripps Orbit and Permanent Array Center | |
SOR | Starfire Optical Range (USA) | |
SORCE | Solar Radiation and Climate Experiment | |
SOW | Statement of Work | |
SOX | Southern Crossroads | |
SP | Signal Processing | |
SP2 | Single Particle Soot Photometer | |
SPAD | Single Photon Avalanche Diode | |
SPAN | Space Physics Analysis Network | |
SPANS | Simple Protocol for Asynchronous Transfer Mode Network Signaling | |
SPDB | Science Processing Database | |
SPE | Single Photo Electron | |
SPEX | Spectral Polarimeter for Planetary Explorations | |
SPIE | Society of Photo-optical Instrumentation Engineers | |
SPIN-2 | Space Information-2 Meter Data (Russian Space Agency) | |
SPNLAS | San Fernando, Spain Laser Station | |
SPoRT | Short-term Prediction Research and Transition Center | |
SPOT | Systeme Pour l'Observation de la Terre | |
SPS | Science Processing System | |
SPURS | Salinity Processes in the Upper Ocean Regional Study | |
SPWG | Signal Processing Working Group (ILRS) | |
SQS | Simple Queue Service | |
SRB | Surface Radiation Budget | |
SRI | Space Research Institute (Russia) | |
SRIF | Square Root Information Filter | |
SRL | Shuttle Research Laboratory | |
SROM | Spectro-radiometer for Ocean Monitoring | |
SRR | System Requirements Review | |
SRS | Stanford Research Systems | |
SRS/GPS | Stellar Reference System/Global Positioning System | |
SRTM | Shuttle Radar Topology Mission | |
SSA | Southern Study Area | |
SSALT | Solid-State Altimeter | |
SSB | Space Studies Board | |
SSBUV | Shuttle Solar Backscatter Ultraviolet | |
SSC | Stennis Space Center | DO NOT USE (per NASA Style Guide) |
SSE | Surface Solar Energy | |
SSEC | Space Science and Engineering Center (University of Wisconsin) | |
SSFPO | Space Station Freedom Project Office | |
SSH | Sea Surface Height | |
SSHA | Sea Surface Height Anomalies | |
SSI&T | Science Software Integration and Test | |
SSL | Secure Sockets Layer Space Science Laboratory (NASA Marshall) |
SSM/I | Special Sensor Microwave/Imager | |
SSM/T | Special Sensor Microwave/Temperature Sounder | |
SSMIS | Special Sensor Microwave Imager Sounder | |
SSO | Single Sign-On | |
SSP | Shared Socioeconomic Pathways | |
SSS | Sea Surface Salinity | |
SST | Sea Surface Temperature | |
SSU | Stratospheric Sounding Unit | |
STA | Science and Technology Agency | |
STA3CD | Subsetting Tools for Advanced Analysis of Airborne Chemistry Data | |
STAC | SpatioTemporal Asset Catalog | |
STALAS | Stationary Laser Station (Goddard Space Flight Center) | |
STARE | SpatioTemporal Adaptive-Resolution Encoding to Unify Diverse Earth Science Data for Integrative Analysis | |
STARSHINE | Student Tracked Atmospheric Research Satellite for Heuristic International Networking Experiment | |
STC | Short-time Critical | |
STDM | Spacecraft Tracking and Data Network | |
STDN | Spaceflight Tracking and Data Network | |
STGT | Second TDRSS Ground Terminal | |
STIKSCAT | Stick Scatterometer | |
STILT | Stochastic Time |
STS | Space Transport System | |
SUCCESS | SUbsonic aircraft Contrail and Clouds Effects Special Study | |
SUDS | Science, User and Data Services | |
SUNSAT | Stellenbosch UNiversity SATellite (South Africa) | |
Suomi NPP | Suomi National Polar-orbiting Partnership | |
SV | Station Velocities | |
SW | Shortwave radiation | |
SWBD | Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) Water Body Dataset | |
SWE | Snow Water Equivalent | |
SWEPOS | Swedish Permanent GPS Network | |
SWESARR | Snow Water Equivalent SAR and Radiometer | |
SWG | Science Working Group | |
SWIR | Shortwave infrared (TM5 and TM7 spectral region) | |
SWIRLS | Stratospheric Wind Infrared Limb Sounder | |
swisstopo | Swiss Federal Office of Topography | |
SWOT | Surface Water Ocean Topography | |
SXAO | Shaanxi Astronomical Observatory (PRC) | |
T | Back to top | |
T&C | Telemetry and Command | |
TAI | International Atomic Time | |
TARFOX | Tropospheric Aerosol Radiative Forcing Observational Experiment | |
TB | terabyte (1012) | |
TBD | To Be Determined | |
TBF | Time Bias Function | |
TBM | Terrestrial Biosphere Model | |
TCI | Tropical Cyclone Intensity | |
TCP/IP | Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol | |
TCSP | Tropical Cloud Systems and Processes | |
TDOPF | Time Dependent Operational Parameter Fire | |
TDRS | Tracking and Data Relay Satellite | |
TDRSS | Tracking and Data Relay Satellite System | |
TDX | TanDEM-X | |
TEC | total electron content | |
TEDA | Technical Data Acquisition Equipment (ADEOS) | |
TEMPO | Tropospheric Emissions: Monitoring of Pollution | |
TERS | Tropical Earth Resources Satellite | |
TES | Tropospheric Emission Spectrometer | |
TEXnet | Texas Network | |
TFO | TOPEX/Poseidon Follow-On | |
TGD | Thermal Infrared | |
TGDDIS | Trace Gas Dynamics Data Information System | |
THEnet | Texas Higher Education Network | |
THIR | Temperature-Humidity Infrared Radiometer | |
THORpex | THe Observing-system Research and predictability experiment | |
THREDDS | THematic Realtime Environmental Distributed Data Services | |
TIGER | Thermal Infrared Ground Emission Radiometer | |
TIGO | Transportable Integrated Geodetic Observatory | |
TIM | TRMM Microwave Imager | |
TIMS | Therms Infrared Multispectral Scanner | |
TIN | Triangular Irregular Network | |
TIPS | Tether Physics and Survivability Experiment | |
TIR | Thermal Infrared | |
TIROS | Television and Infrared Operational Satellite | |
TIRS | Thermal Infrared Sensor | |
TIRV | Tuned Inter-Range Vector | |
TIS | Topographic Information Systems | |
TISF | Tape Inventory Sequential Files | |
TIU | Time Interval Unit | |
TLRS | Transportable Laser Ranging System | |
TLS | Terrestrial Laser Scanning | |
TLSCF | Team Led Science Computing Facility | |
TM | Thematic Mapper (Landsat 5) | |
TMI | TRMM Microwave Instrument (Japan) | |
TMPA | TRMM Multi-satellite Precipitation Analysis | |
TMR | TOPEX Microwave Radiometer | |
TOA | Top-of-Atmosphere | |
TOAST | Total Ozone Analysis using SBUV/2 and TOVS | |
ToF | Time of Flight | |
TOGA | Tropical Ocean Global Atmosphere | |
TOLNet | Tropospheric Ozone Lidar Network | |
TomoSAR | Tomography SAR | |
TOMS | Total Ozone Mapping Spectrometer | |
TOPEX | Ocean Topography Experiment | |
TOPSAR | Topographic Synthetic Aperture Radar | |
TOVS | TIROS Operational Vertical Sounder | |
TPM | Trusted Platform Mobile | |
TRACER | Tropospheric Radiometer for Atmospheric Chemistry and Environmental Research | |
TRACER-AQ | TRacking Aerosol Convection ExpeRiment – Air Quality | |
TRF | Terrestrial Reference Frame | |
TRMM | Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission | |
TROPICS | Time-Resolved Observations of Precipitation structure and storm Intensity with a Constellation of SmallSats | |
TROPOMI | TROPOspheric Monitoring Instrument | |
TROS | TRansportable Observation Station | |
TRUST | TDRSS Resource User Support Terminal | |
TSAVI | Transformed Soil Adjusted Vegetation Index | |
TSDIS | TRMM Science Data and Information System | |
TSIS | Total and Spectral Solar Irradiance Sensor | |
TSK | Tskuba Space Center (Japan) | |
TSS | TRMM Support System | |
TSTOL | TRMM System Test and Operations Language | |
TSU | TRMM Science User | |
TSX | TerraSAR-X | |
TT&C | Tracking, Telemetry and Command | |
TUM | Technical University of Munich (Germany) | |
TURFTS | TDRSS User Radio Frequency Test Set | |
TVDS | Transportable VLBI Data System | |
TWMS | Tiled Web Map Service | |
TZD | Tropospheric zenith delay | |
U | Back to top | |
UAF | University of Alaska-Fairbanks | |
UARP | Upper Atmosphere Research Program | |
UARS | Upper Atmosphere Research Satellite | |
UAT | User Acceptance Testing | |
UAV | Uninhabited Aerial Vehicle | |
UB | University of Bonn (Germany) | |
UCAR | University Corporation for Atmospheric Research | |
UCL | University College, London | |
UDP/IP | User Datagram Protocol/Internet Protocol | |
UEM | Unified Endpoint Management | |
UFP | Université de la Polynésie Française (French Polynesia) | |
UFPR | University Federal de Parana (Brazil) | |
UHF | Ultra High Frequency | |
UIUC | University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign | |
um | micrometer | |
UMBC | University of Maryland, Baltimore County | |
UMM | Unified Metadata Model | |
UNAM | Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico | |
UNAVCO | University NAVSTAR Consortium | |
UNICANT | University of Canterbury (Christchurch, New Zealand) | |
UNOOSA | United Nations Office of Outer Space Affairs | |
UNSA | Universidad Nacional de San Augustin (Peru) | |
UOSATS | University of Surrey Satellite (United Kingdom) | |
UPAD | University of Padova (Italy) | |
UPC | Polytechnical University of Catalonia (Spain) | |
UPF | Université de la Polynésie Française (French Polynesia) | |
URI | Uniform Resource Identifier | |
URL | Uniform Resource Locator | |
URS | User Registration System (EOSDIS) | |
UserDIS | User Data Information System | |
USGCRP | United States Global Change Research Program | |
USNO | United States Naval Observatory | |
USNVC | United States National Vegetation Classification | |
USO | Ultra-Stable Oscillator | |
USV | Uninhabited Surface Vehicle | |
UT | Universal Time | |
UTC | Universal Time, Coordinated | |
UTCF | Universal Time Correlation Factor | |
UTCSR | University of Texas Center for Space Research | |
UTDF | Universal Tracking Data Format | |
UTM | Universal Transverse Mercator | |
UTOPIA | University of Texas Orbit Processor (USA) | |
UV | Ultraviolet | |
UWG | User Working Group | |
UWIREMIS | University of Wisconsin-Madison MODIS Infrared Emissivity | |
V | Back to top | |
V0 | Version 0 | |
VAS | VISSR Atmospheric Sounder | |
VATC | Verification and Acceptance Testing Center | |
VCF | Vegetation Continuous Fields | |
VCL | Vegetation Canopy Lidar | |
VD | Village Directory | |
VDI | Virtual Desktop Infrastructure | |
VEDA | Visualization, Exploration, and Data Analysis project | |
VESDR | Vegetation Earth System Data Record | |
VGT | SPOT-4 VEGETATION instrument (France) | |
VHRPC | Very High Resolution Panchromatic Camera | |
VHRR | Very High Resolution Radiometer | |
VI | Vegetation Index | |
VID | Vegetation Index Differencing | |
VIIRS | Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite | |
VIP | Vegetation Index and Phenology | |
VIRGO | Variability of Solar Irradiance and Gravity Oscillations | |
VIRR | Visible and Infrared Radiometer | |
VIRS | Visible Infrared Scanner | |
VIRSR | Visible Infrared Scanning Radiometer | |
VIS | Visible (spectral region) | |
VIS-UV | Visible/Ultraviolet Spectrometer | |
VIS/IR | Visible/Infrared | |
VISSR | Visible/Infrared Spin-Scan Radiometer (GOES) | |
VLBA | Very Long Baseline Array | |
VLBI | Very Long Baseline Interferometry | |
VM | Virtual Machine | |
VML | Vector Markup Language | |
VMM | Virtual Machine Monitor VISSR Multiplexor/Modulator |
VNIIFTRI | All-Russian Scientific Research Institute for Physical-Technical and Radiotechnical Measurements (Russia) | |
VNIR | Visible and Near-infrared (spectral region) | |
VOCs | Volatile Organic Compounds | |
VOLCAM | Volcanic Ash Mission | |
VPC | Virtual Private Cloud | |
VPN | Virtual Private Network | |
VRM | Vector Ruggedness Measure | |
VRML | Virtual Reality Modeling Language | |
VSAR | Variable Synthetic Aperture Radar | |
VSAT | Very Small Aperture Terminal | |
VSL | NMi Van Swinden Laboratorium (The Netherlands) | |
VTIR | Visible and Thermal Infrared Radiometer | |
W | Back to top | |
W/A | Working Agreement | |
WAAS | Wide area augmentation system | |
WAN | Wide Area Network | |
WCPT | West Coast Precision Traverse | |
WCRP | World Climate Research Program | |
WCS | Web Coverage Service | |
WDVI | Weighted Difference Vegetation Index | |
WebDAV | Web Distributed Authoring and Versioning | |
WEGENER | Working Group of European Geoscientists for the Establishment of Networks for Earthquake Research | |
WELD | Web Enabled Landsat Data | |
WESTPAC | Western Pacific Laser Tracking Network Satellite | |
WetCHARTs | Wetland Methane Emissions and Uncertainty | |
WETLAS | Wettzell, Germany Laser Station | |
Wetnet | Network for Distribution and Joint Analysis of SSM/I | |
WFF | Wallops Flight Facility | DO NOT USE (per NASA Style Guide) |
WFOV | Wide Field Of View | |
WG | Working Group | |
WGCV | Working Group on Calibration and Validation (CEOS) | |
WGD | Working Group on Data (CEOS) | |
WGISS | Working Group on Information Systems and Services | |
WGS | Wallops Ground System | |
WGS 84 | World Geodetic System 1984 | |
WHOI | Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution | |
WiFS | Wide Field-of-view-Sensor | |
WiMAX | Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access | |
WING | Western Pacific Integrated Network of GPS | |
WIST | Warehouse Inventory Search Tool | |
WLRS | Wettzell Laser Ranging System (Germany) | |
WMO | World Meteorological Organization | |
WMS | Web Map Service | |
WMTS | Web Map Tile Service | |
WOCE | World Ocean Circulation Experiment | |
WOTIS | Wallops Orbital Tracking Information System | |
WPLS | Western Pacific Laser Tracking Network Satellite | |
WPLTN | Western Pacific Laser Tracking Network | |
WRAP | Wildfire Research and Application Partnership | |
WSC | White Sands Complex | |
WSGT | White Sands Ground Terminal | |
WSMC | Western Space and Missile Center | |
WSTF | White Sands Test Facility | DO NOT USE (per NASA Style Guide) |
WTS | Wallops Tracking Station | |
WTU | Wuhan Technical University (PRC) | |
WUT | Warsaw University of Technology (Poland) | |
WVR | Water vapor radiometer | |
WWW | World Wide Web | *commonly referred to as www |
WYSIWYG | What You See Is What You Get | |
X | Back to top | |
X-SAR | X-Band Synthetic Aperture Radar | |
XBT | Expendable Bathythermograph | |
xDLS | eXtensible Distance Learning System | |
XHTML | eXtensible Hyper Text Markup Language | *commonly used as XHTML or xhtml |
XML | eXtensible Markup Language | *commonly used as XML or xml |
XP | Exchange Point | |
XPS | XUV Photometer System | |
XSL | eXtensible Stylesheet Language | |
XSLT | eXtensible Stylesheet Language Transformation | |
Y | Back to top | |
YIBS-CEO | Yale Institute of Biospheric Studies - Center of Earth Observation | |
YTD | Year To Date | |
Z | Back to top | |
ZIMLAS | Zimmerwald, Switzerland Laser Station | |
ZIMLAT | Zimmerwald Laser and Astrometric Telescope (Switzerland) | |
ZIPE | ZentralInstitut der Physik der Erde (Germany) | |
ZND | Zenith neutral delay |