Data Chats

Short, informal discussions with members of NASA's diverse data-user community providing personal insight into how data are being used around the world.

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Alfreda Hall leads NASA's Commercial Smallsat Data Acquisition program that purchases data from commercial vendors.

Open science, open-source software, and cloud-based Big Data collections are changing how science is conducted and expanding the possibilities for what scientists can do with NASA data.

The Harmonized Landsat Sentinel-2 (HLS) project offers daily, 30-meter global land surface data products to facilitate a wide range of terrestrial Earth science research.

NASA Earth science data are openly available to anyone for any purpose. As NASA data manager Kaylin Bugbee observes, open scientific data – and the growth of these data – is leading to a new, collaborative paradigm for scientific research.

The Global Sea Level Change portal is NASA’s home for sea level change data and information. As the portal’s principal investigator, Dr. Boening ensures that it remains a key resource for both scientists and the general public.

EOSDIS DAACs will play a key role as EOSDIS data evolve to the commercial cloud. NASA's ESDIS Project Science Operations Office Manager, Drew Kittel, is working to ensure that DAAC services and support are ready.

The technical requirements for moving NASA EOSDIS data into the commercial cloud are enormous. Mark McInerney oversees this effort and helps ensure these data are interoperable with similar data from other agencies.

For NASA EOSDIS System Architect Katie Baynes, having NASA Earth observing data in the commercial cloud will foster not only a new community of data users, but also new communal ways of using these data.

Talking about using NASA EOSDIS data in the cloud and new ways of thinking about what data are with EOSDIS System Architect Dr. Christopher Lynnes.

Talking about 20 years of NASA's Terra mission and its significance with Terra Project Scientist Dr. Kurt Thome.

A new computer application co-developed by Vickie Ly uses precipitation data from TRMM, GPM, and other sources to help the Navajo Nation manage water resources.

Talking about NASA’s EOSDIS Earth science data collection with NASA Program Executive Kevin Murphy