Webinar: Making SAR Data Accessible—New Sensors, Tools and Services

Advances in sensor technology, processing capabilities, and data availability are revolutionizing the radar remote sensing discipline. Join us to learn about new sensors and how NASA’s ASF DAAC is creating new tools and services to make Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) data more accessible.
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Dr. Franz Meyer
Hosted By
Jennifer Branna
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These are exciting days in radar remote sensing. Recent advances in sensor technology, processing capabilities, and data availability are revolutionizing the radar remote sensing discipline. New, regularly acquired and freely available imaging radars are fueling a drastic increase and diversification of the radar data user base, creating new possibilities but also new challenges for the radar remote sensing community.

The wealth of data provided by sensors such as Sentinel-1 has made synthetic aperture radar (SAR) a much more attractive tool not only for the geoscience disciplines but also for the applications and decision-making SAR users. At the same time, the enormous volume of data provided by these missions has created new issues regarding the efficient and effective analysis of such large data streams.

This presentation will introduce you to some of the new opportunities in radar remote sensing that are hopefully making this exciting technology more accessible for you. You will be introduced to some of the recently-launched and upcoming SAR sensors that are providing you with more regularly sampled and larger-scale image products. You will also hear about new SAR value-added product services that are providing higher-level, easier-to-use data products to you free of charge. Cloud-based processing environments are also discussed.

Finally, you will learn about new training and capacity-building initiatives that are specifically addressing the needs of the applications and decision-making communities to help them integrate SAR into their work. Services available through NASA's Alaska Satellite Facility Distributed Active Archive Center (ASF DAAC) will be highlighted throughout

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