Webinar: Operation IceBridge Come Discover a Decade of Polar Data

NASA’s Operation IceBridge airborne mission has flown over 700 flights through some of the most stunning regions of the Arctic and Antarctic. Join us to learn how to discover and access data that “bridges” the gap between the ICESat and ICESat-2 missions.
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Steve Tanner
Hosted By
Jennifer Brennan
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NASA's Operation IceBridge is an airborne mission that collects a wide range of remote sensing measurements in the polar regions of the world. Since 2009, the Operation has flown multiple campaigns in both hemispheres, collecting observations and measurements over Greenland, Antarctica, Alaskan glaciers, and Antarctic and Arctic sea ice. The mission is expected to continue into 2020, providing critical underflights of Ice, Cloud and land Elevation Satellite-2 (ICESat-2) after its September 2018 launch. NASA's National Snow and Ice Data Center Distributed Active Archive Center (NSIDC DAAC) is responsible for making this data available to the public, and does so through a variety of means.

This webinar will introduce the IceBridge mission, some of the data products available, including some amazing imagery, and a live demonstration of the IceBridge Data Portal that showcases the key features and functionality of the tool. This demonstration will show how several use-cases are supported, including data exploration, discovery and access.

To learn more about IceBridge data, services and tools at NSIDC DAAC, and for links to the NASA IceBridge Mission: https://nsidc.org/data/icebridge


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