Webinar: SEDAC’s Global COVID-19 Viewer, A User-Friendly Tool for Assessing Trends in Coronavirus Spread

Join us for an introduction to NASA SEDAC's Global COVID-19 Viewer - a map-based tool for understanding the spread of the Coronavirus and underlying risk factors. During the webinar, participants will learn about its development and then a live demonstration of the viewer focusing on current hotspots, interesting trends, and an exploration of the risk factors will be provided.
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Dr. Alex de Sherbinin; Joe Schumacher, SEDAC
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Coronavirus was declared a pandemic by the World Health Organization on March 11th, 2020. Soon thereafter NASA's Socioeconomic Data and Applications Center (SEDAC) released the Global COVID-19 Viewer: Population Estimates by Age Group and Sex. The goal of the viewer is to provide an easy-to-use tool to access information about COVID-19 trends and spread as they related to several transmission and mortality risk factors. A major strength of the viewer is the focus on prevalence and mortality rates rather than overall numbers by country, as well as the provision of this information by subnational units for many countries (e.g. counties in the US). During this webinar we will describe the motivation for the viewer, outline the development process and risk factor research, address the repurposing of SEDAC map viewer elements and design considerations, and conduct a live demonstration of the viewer focusing on current hotspots, interesting trends, and underlying risk factors. We will wrap up with an overview of future plans for the tool, to which participants are welcome to contribute their own suggestions.

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