NASA's Application for Extracting and Exploring Analysis Ready Samples (AppEEARS) is a powerful web application and application programming interface (API) that provides intuitive access to more than 100 geospatial datasets from multiple federal agencies, including datasets at several NASA Distributed Active Archives Centers (DAACs). This webinar showcases AppEEARS and its capabilities and highlights AppEEARS resources to help simplify data access workflows using the system.

AppEEARS point sample example showing a Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) Normalized Vegetation Index (NDVI) time series for an AmeriFlux location near Woodward, OK, USA. Seasonal NDVI cycles are easy to see in the bottom graph, with lower NDVI values occurring during the winter months in North America and increasing as the growing season progresses into the summer. Credit: NASA LP DAAC/USGS EROS.
Through AppEEARS, users can precisely extract data for point locations or areas of interest for specified variables and time ranges, resulting in streamlined access to needed data and a significant reduction in download volumes. AppEEARS also brings efficiency to scientific workflows through its ability to reformat and reproject outputs. The web application offers built-in exploratory data visualizations for users to gain insights into the data prior to downloading, while the AppEEARS API provides programmatic use of AppEEARS functionality for users who prefer working from a programming environment. AppEEARS outputs are staged in NASA's Earthdata Cloud and are available for download and direct access from AWS US-West-2.
Access slides, guide documents, and other resources related to this event.