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Teledyne Brown Engineering operates the German Aerospace Center Earth Sensing Imaging Spectrometer (DESIS). DESIS is a push broom, hyperspectral instrument currently installed on the Multi-User System for Earth Sensing (MUSES) platform on the International Space Station. DESIS has the capability of recording hyperspectral image data using 235 closely arranged channels spanning visual to infrared wavelengths (between 400 and 1,000 nanometers) with a spatial resolution of 30 m while the space station is in an orbital altitude of 400 km.

Authorized Data Use and Users

All members of the U.S. Government and researchers funded by the U.S. Government have access to DESIS data and imagery for scientific use.

End User License Agreement


Obtaining Data

To request access to DESIS data:


Data products and derivatives must contain the following copyright markings (where YYYY is the year of the image acquisition):

  • For DESIS data: “© Teledyne Brown Engineering, Inc., YYYY. All Rights Reserved.”
  • For derivatives: "Includes copyrighted material of Teledyne Brown Engineering, Inc., All Rights Reserved.”
  • A joint copyright notice may be used as appropriate

Authorized users should send Teledyne Brown Engineering a courtesy copy of any publications that include the downloaded data.

CSDA Acknowledgment

To help CSDA identify your publications, we request that you include the following acknowledgment when publishing work created using these data:

"This work utilized data made available through the NASA Commercial Satellite Data Acquisition (CSDA) program."

Current Research Using Teledyne Brown Engineering Data

K. F. Huemmrich

Teledyne Brown Engineering Commercial Data

DESIS Performance Specifications
ParameterDESIS values (Commissioning Phase)
Orbit (type, local time at equator, inclination, altitude, period, repeat cycle)not Sun-synchronous, various, 51.6°, 405 ± 5 km, 93 min, no repeat cycle
Coverage55° N to 52° S
Tilt (across-track, along-track)-45° to +5°, -40° to +40° by MUSES and DESIS
Sensor pointing±15° along-track to enable BRDF or Stereo acquisitions
Spectral coverage402 nm to 1000 nm
Number of spectral channels235 (no binning) ~2.5nm 118 (binning 2) 79 (binning 3) 60 (binning 4) ~10nm, this product will be available June 2019
Defective spectral channelsBands 1–7 (no binning) Bands 1–4 (binning 2) Bands 1–3 (binning 3) Bands 1–2 (binning 4)
Spectral sampling resolution2.55 nm (w/o binning); ~10.2 nm (binning 4)
Full Width Half Maximum (FWHM)~3.5 nm (w/o binning); ~10.0 nm (binning 4)
Radiometric resolution12 bits + 1 bit gain
Radiometric accuracy+/-10% (based on on-ground calibration and with the support of inflight radiometric calibration)
Radiometric linearity99%
Swath30 km
Spatial resolution, pixels30 m, 1024 pixels (@400 km)
Geometric accuracy~20 m with GCPs1 ~300 m - 400 m w/o GCPs
MTF @ Nyquist30%–40% based on on-ground calibration / static MTF without smearing effects / wavelength depending
Signal-to-Noise ratio (albedo 0.3 @ 550 nm)195 (w/o binning) 386 (4 binning) (based on on-ground calibration)
Dark/Read noise (electrons)30–60e- (global shutter) 15–30e- (rolling shutter)
Quantum scale equivalent (e-/DN)0.04 e-/DN
Max frame rate235Hz (@235 spectral lines, rolling shutter) 117Hz (@235 spectral lines, global shutter)
Solar zenith angle restrictions (for L2A level processing)> 55° produces reduced quality L2A product > 65° produces low quality L2A product > 70° not processable to L2A

1 with respect to global reference Landsat ETM+ PAN with GSD 14 m.