The Committee on Earth Observation Satellites (CEOS) Missions, Instruments, and Measurements (MIM) keywords contain information on many key measurements of interest to users of Earth observation satellite data.
Earth observation satellites provide important data about Earth and its environment, helping develop our understanding of the basic Earth System and its human influences. These data cover a wide range of geophysical parameters, spanning the whole spectrum of the environment—atmosphere, land, ocean, snow and ice, and gravity and magnetic fields.
Read more about the CEOS Mission, Instruments, and Measurements (MIM) Keywords.
In order to provide more direct access to these data, each MIM keyword has been mapped to a Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) Keyword. A reference table shows the mapping between the MIM keywords and the GCMD keywords.
Click on the keywords below to view datasets related to each keyword:
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Atmosphere | Gravity and Magnetic Fields | Land | Ocean | Snow and Ice
Aerosol absorption optical depth (column/profile)
Aerosol optical depth (column/profile)
Aerosol effective radius (column/profile)
Aerosol Extinction / Backscatter (column/profile)
Atmospheric Chemistry - BrO (column/profile)
Atmospheric Chemistry - C2H2 (column/profile)
Atmospheric Chemistry - C2H6 (column/profile)
Atmospheric Chemistry - CFC-11 (column/profile)
Atmospheric Chemistry - CFC-12 (column/profile)
Atmospheric Chemistry - CH3Br (column/profile)
Atmospheric Chemistry - CH4 (column/profile)
Atmospheric Chemistry - ClO (column/profile)
Atmospheric Chemistry - ClONO2 (column/profile)
Atmospheric Chemistry - CO (column/profile)
Atmospheric Chemistry - CO2 (column/profile)
Atmospheric Chemistry - COS (column/profile)
Atmospheric Chemistry - HCFC-22 (column/profile)
Atmospheric Chemistry - HCl (column/profile)
Atmospheric Chemistry - HNO3 (column/profile)
Atmospheric Chemistry - N2O (column/profile)
Atmospheric Chemistry - N2O5 (column/profile)
Atmospheric Chemistry - NO (column/profile)
Atmospheric Chemistry - NO2 (column/profile)
Atmospheric Chemistry - NO2 (column/profile)
Atmospheric Chemistry - OClO (column/profile)
Atmospheric Chemistry - OH (column/profile)
Atmospheric Chemistry - SO2 (column/profile)
Atmospheric pressure (over land surface)
Atmospheric pressure (over sea surface)
Atmospheric specific humidity (column/profile)
Atmospheric stability index
Atmospheric temperature (at surface)
Atmospheric temperature (column/profile)
Cloud base height
Cloud cover
Cloud imagery
Cloud mask
Cloud drop size (at cloud top)
Cloud ice (column/profile)
Cloud ice content (at cloud top)
Cloud liquid water (column/profile)
Cloud optical depth
Cloud top height
Cloud top temperature
Cloud type
Downwelling long-wave radiation at the Earth surface
Downwelling short-wave radiation at the Earth surface
Downwelling solar radiation at TOA
Earth surface albedo
Height of the top of the Planetary Boundary Layer
Height of tropopause
Lightning detection
Long-wave cloud emissivity
Long-wave Earth surface emissivity
Outgoing long-wave radiation at Earth surface
Outgoing long-wave radiation at TOA
Outgoing short-wave radiation at TOA
Outgoing spectral radiance at TOA
Ozone profile
Precipitation index (daily cumulative)
Precipitation Profile (liquid or solid)
Precipitation rate (liquid) at the surface
Precipitation rate (solid) at the surface
Short-wave cloud reflectance
Short-wave Earth surface bi-directional reflectance
Temperature of tropopause
Total electron content (TEC)
Water vapour imagery
Wind profile (horizontal)
Wind profile (vertical)
Wind speed over land surface (horizontal)
Wind speed over sea surface (horizontal)
Wind vector over land surface (horizontal)
Wind vector over sea surface (horizontal)
Wind stress
Gravity and Magnetic Fields
GeoidGravity field
Gravity gradients
Magnetic field (scalar)
Magnetic field (vector)
Crustal MotionCrustal plates positioning
Fire area
Fire temperature
Fractionally absorbed PAR (FPAR)
Land cover
Land surface imagery
Land surface temperature
Land surface topography
Leaf Area Index (LAI)
Long-wave Earth surface emissivity
Normalized Differential Vegetation Index (NDVI)
Photosynthetically Active Radiation (PAR)
Soil moisture at the surface
Soil type
Vegetation Canopy (cover)
Vegetation Canopy (height)
Vegetation Cover
Vegetation type
Volcanic ash
Atmospheric pressure (over sea surface)Bathymetry
Color dissolved organic matter (CDOM)
Downwelling long-wave radiation at the Earth surface
Downwelling short-wave radiation at the Earth surface
Fractionally absorbed PAR (FPAR)
Ocean chlorophyll concentration
Ocean dynamic topography
Ocean imagery
Ocean salinity
Ocean surface currents (vector)
Ocean suspended sediment concentration
Outgoing long-wave radiation at Earth surface
Photosynthetically Active Radiation (PAR)
Sea level
Sea surface temperature
Significant wave height
Wave directional energy frequency spectrum
Wind profile (vertical)
Wind speed over sea surface (horizontal)
Wind vector over sea surface (horizontal)
Snow and Ice
Glacier coverGlacier motion
Glacier topography
Ice sheet topography
Iceberg fractional cover
Iceberg height
Sea-ice cover
Sea-ice sheet topography
Sea-ice surface temperature
Sea-ice thickness
Sea-ice type
Snow albedo
Snow cover
Snow detection (mask)
Snow melting status (wet/dry)
Snow surface temperature
Snow water equivalent