This primer provides step-by-step tutorials on how to get started in the AWS cloud. The tutorials are listed in the recommended reading order. However, feel free to read them in an order that coincides with your background and preference. Given that cloud technology is constantly evolving, it is likely that some primer details no longer match reality when you try to use it. If you find mismatches (e.g. broken third-party links), contact us so that we can feed them into the next release of the primer.
01 — Why Use the Cloud? (PDF)
02 — Understanding and Managing Costs in the AWS Cloud (PDF)
03 — Create a Basic Elastic Cloud Computer (EC2) Instance (PDF)
04 — Connect to an AWS EC2 Instance - Windows and PuTTY (PDF)
05 — Connect to an AWS EC2 Instance - Mac OS X (PDF)
06 — Create Cloud Storage Using AWS Single Storage Service (S3) Buckets (PDF)
07 — Access AWS-hosted S3 Earthdata (PDF)
08 — Bring Your Own Script to the Cloud (PDF)
09 — Glossary and Acronyms Explained (PDF)