Happy New Year everyone - It's been a few months since we've posted an update, but never fear, we are still always striving to make improvements and add new features to Worldview.
Temperature Unit Conversion
Temperature unit conversions are now available for relevant temperature layers.
We've also added twelve new Land Surface Temperature (LST) layers for you to convert units to your heart's desire! These include the MOD/MYD21 Land Surface Temperature Day | Night, Daily, 8-Day and Monthly layers.
The MOD/MYD21 Temperature/Emissivity Separation (TES) algorithm is a physics-based algorithm used to dynamically retrieve both LST and spectral emissivity simultaneously from the MODIS thermal infrared (TIR) bands 29, 31, and 32. The TES algorithm is combined with an improved Water Vapor Scaling (WVS) atmospheric correction scheme to stabilize the retrieval during warm and humid conditions. The MOD/MYD21 LST&E algorithm differs from the MOD11/MYD11 L2 algorithm in that the MOD21/MYD21 algorithm is based on the ASTER TES technique, whereas the MOD11/MYD11 L2 products uses a generalized split-window (GSW) technique. Learn more about MOD/MYD21 in its User Guide.
- Terra/MODIS LST Day | Night, Daily, 8-Day and Monthly layers: https://go.nasa.gov/3KnArVa
- Aqua/MODIS LST Day | Night, Daily, 8-Day and Monthly layers: https://go.nasa.gov/3KpmhTe