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Fires and Smoke Along the Garden Route, South Africa

Image captured on 3 November 2018, by the MODIS instrument, aboard the Terra satellite.

Fires and smoke along the Garden Route, South Africa on 3 November 2018 (MODIS/Terra)

This is an image of fires and smoke along the Garden Route, South Africa. This image was acquired on 3 November 2018 by the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) instrument, aboard the Terra satellite.

Use the comparison tool to look at the difference between the landscape on 23 October to 3 November 2018 with the Bands 7-2-1 Corrected Reflectance image from MODIS/Terra. This band combination is useful for distinguishing burn scars as a result of the fires (area in dark red on the right B side of the comparison tool, compared with green on the left A side). The bright red areas on the B side, northwest of Plettenberg Bay, show the actively burning fire front.

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