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ASF DAAC Data Access and Tools

Please note: As part of the Web Unification Project, we are working to import all datasets archived by NASA’s Alaska Satellite Facility Distributed Active Archive Center (ASF DAAC) into our catalog. During this transition, you can also access their datasets by DOI on their website. Access a list of dataset DOIs at ASF DAAC


ASF DAAC provides the Earth science community with global synthetic aperture radar (SAR) data. Explore ASF DAAC datasets and learn more about relevant data tools. If you need to download lots of data at once, see ASF DAAC's bulk data download options and related tutorials.

ASF DAAC Data Tools

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Tool Sort descending Description Services
ASF ArcGIS Toolbox The ASF_Tools ArcGIS Python Toolbox can be used with either ArcGIS Desktop or ArcGIS Pro, and contains tools that perform geoprocessing tasks useful for working with synthetic aperture radar (SAR) data. Processing
ASF MapReady Terrain-correct, geocode, and apply polarimetric decompositions to multi-pol SAR data Processing
Convert to Vector Transform point or scene information to formats compatible with Google Earth, GIS, and other tools. Reformatting
HyP3 HyP3 is a service for processing Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) imagery that addresses many common issues for users of SAR data. Processing
OpenScienceLab OpenScienceLab is an ecosystem of open-source tools for data analysis provided by NASA’s Alaska Satellite Facility Distributed Active Archive Center (ASF DAAC). Analysis
RTC Stack Processor The radiometric terrain correction (RTC) stack processor tool facilitates time-series analysis of such phenomena as flooding events, deforestation, or glacier retreat. Analysis, Processing, Search and Discovery, Visualization
Vertex Vertex is a graphical search interface for finding synthetic aperture radar (SAR) data. Search and Discovery

Data at ASF DAAC

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