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The Soil Moisture Active-Passive (SMAP) platform measures surface soil moisture and freeze-thaw state. These direct measurements improve our understanding of regional water cycles, ecosystem productivity, and processes that link the water, energy, and carbon cycles. Soil moisture information at high resolution enables improvements in weather, flood, and drought forecasts, and predictions of agricultural productivity and climate change.

SMAP measures surface soil conditions everywhere on Earth every two to three days, distinguishing between ground that is frozen or thawed. In ground that is not frozen or covered in water, SMAP measures how much water is in the top layer of soil. This data is used to produce global maps of soil moisture.


Earth Observation Satellite

Data Center



January 31, 2015


Measure global soil moisture, create global soil moisture maps, and determine the freeze or thaw state of the same area being mapped


Short NameDescriptionGridding (km)Latency*ATBD**Product Spec DocSource
L1A_RadarRaw radar data in time order (half orbit)12 hrsn/aViewASF
L1A_RadiometerRadiometer raw data in time order12 hrsn/a NSIDC
L1B_S0_LoResLow-resolution radar σ ο in time order (half orbit)5×3012 hrsViewViewASF
 Backscatter analysis document
L1B_TBRadiometer TB in time order36×4712 hrsView NSIDC
L1C_S0_HiResHigh-resolution radar σ ο (half orbit gridded)112 hrsViewViewASF
 Backscatter analysis document(1-3)***
L1C_TBRadiometer T B (half orbit, gridded)3612 hrsView NSIDC
L2_SM_ASoil moisture (radar, half orbit)324 hrsView NSIDC
L2_SM_PSoil moisture (radiometer, half orbit)3624 hrsView NSIDC
L2_SM_A/PSoil moisture (radar/radiometer, half orbit)924 hrsView NSIDC
L3_F/T_AFreeze-thaw state (radar, daily composite)350 hrsView NSIDC
L3_SM_ASoil moisture (radar, daily composite)350 hrsView NSIDC
L3_SM_PSoil moisture (radiometer, daily composite)3650 hrsView NSIDC
L3_SM_A/PSoil moisture (radar/radiometer, daily composite)950 hrsView NSIDC
L4_SMSoil moisture (surface and root zone)97 daysView NSIDC
L4_CCarbon net ecosystem exchange (NEE)914 daysView NSIDC

SMAP Instruments

Soil Moisture Passive Active (SMAP) is a remote-sensing observatory with two instruments — a synthetic aperture radar (SAR) and a radiometer — that map soil moisture and determine the freeze or thaw state of the area being mapped. Both instruments help map soil-moisture content, and unique properties of SAR enable the freeze-thaw mapping. Externally, the instruments share a common, 20-foot mesh antenna and a feed assembly. Inside the spacecraft, their electronics differ. When combined, the SMAP radar and radiometer deliver high-accuracy, high-resolution global maps of the Earth’s soil moisture and freeze-thaw state.

The radar actively sends pulses of radio waves down to a spot on Earth and measures the echo that returns microseconds later. The strength and “shape” of the echoes can be interpreted to indicate the moisture level of the soil, even through moderate levels of vegetation. The radiometer passively detects radio waves emitted by the ground from the same small area. The strength of the emission indicates temperatures.

Instrument NameOperational DatesType of Instrument
SMAP L-Band RadarJanuary 31, 2015-July 7, 2015Imaging Radars
SMAP L-Band RadiometerJanuary 31, 2015-presentImaging Spectrometers/Radiometers

The SMAP orbit is a 685-km altitude, near-polar, sun-synchronous, 6 a.m. / 6 p.m., eight-day, exact-repeat, frozen orbit.

  • Near-polar orbit provides global land coverage up to high latitudes including all freeze-thaw regions of interest.
  • Sun-synchrony provides observations of the surface close to the same local solar time each orbit throughout the mission, enhancing change-detection algorithms and scientific accuracy.
  • Consistent 6 a.m. observation time is optimal because it minimizes the effect of Faraday rotation and impact on S/C design.
  • Frozen orbit provides minimal altitude variation during an orbit, benefitting radar design and accuracy.
  • 685-km altitude is an exact 8-day repeat orbit, advantageous for radar change-detection algorithms.
  • Orbit provides optimum coverage of global land area at 3-day average intervals, and coverage of land region above 45N at 2-day average intervals.

Low-rate radiometer data and low-resolution radar data will be acquired continuously over fore and aft portions of the scan (full 360 degrees), as well as ascending and descending portions of the orbit.

High-resolution radar data will be acquired to include at a minimum:

  • 360 degrees of the antenna scan (fore and aft looks) for the morning (6 a.m. equator crossing) half-orbit over the global land region (excluding the Antarctic)
  • 180 degrees of the antenna scan (fore look) for the evening (6 p.m. equator crossing) half-orbit over the boreal land region (north of 45 degrees N latitude)
  • 180 degrees of the antenna scan (fore look) for the morning half-orbit over the coastal ocean region (within 1,000 km of continental boundaries)
  • The Science Operations Phase (SOP) begins after completion of the 90-day post-launch, in-orbit commissioning and lasts for three years. The first part of the SOP is the Calibration and Validation (Cal/Val) phase, which lasts for 12 months. Following the Cal/Val phase is the Routine Observations Phase (ROP), which lasts for 24 months.

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