Data User Profiles

Each profile demonstrates how and where Earth observation data are being used for research and applications.

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Who uses NASA Earth science data? Cara Wilson, to better understand the possible connection between harmful algal blooms and southern right whale mortality.

Who Uses NASA Earth Science Data? Jun Wang, to study atmospheric composition and climate change; remote sensing of aerosols, clouds, and trace gases and the effects of these on global weather and climate.

Who Uses NASA Earth Science Data? Kelly Gleason, to study interactions of ecosystem disturbance and mountain hydroclimatology along with the associated implications for water resource availability in a changing climate.

Who Uses NASA Earth Science Data? Lars Bromley, to study the integration of satellite imagery and geospatial data in supporting global UN operations and activities in the areas of disaster response, humanitarian support, human security, and human rights.

Who uses NASA Earth science data? Deborah Balk, to create new, demographically informed methods to forecast city growth.

Who uses NASA Earth Science Data? Fred Huemmrich, to study ecosystem functions and how ecosystems respond to environmental conditions.

Who uses NASA Earth science data? Cecile S. Rousseaux, to study the effects of climate on ocean biogeochemistry, specifically on phytoplankton.

Who uses NASA Earth science data? Dennis Ojima, to examine natural resource management response strategies to climate change in the North Central U.S.

Who Uses NASA Earth Science Data? Dr. Greg Jenkins, to study weather, climate, atmospheric chemistry, and air quality of West Africa.

Who uses NASA Earth science data? Adnan Al-Azri, to study why periodic harmful blooms of algae occur in the Sea of Oman and Arabian Sea.

Who Uses NASA Earth Science Data? Rowena Lohman, to study earthquake physics, satellite remote sensing, finite element modeling, ground displacements from a variety of anthropogenic and natural causes.

Who Uses NASA Earth Science Data? Eric Bruning, to study the relationships of storm electrification and lightning to the thermodynamics, microphysics, kinematics, and dynamics of thunderstorms.